Page 15 - P4403.14_V86_YOUROTC_Book NOVEMBER_2023_PRINT
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               NIGHT NURSE RANGE


 STRENGTH * 5                                           NIGHT NURSE                NIGHT NURSE


                      CONTAINS:                                         Paracetamol,
                                                                promethazine hydrochloride,
                                                              dextromethorphan hydrobromide

                      INDICATED                                        TICKLY COUGH
                      FOR:                                             SHIVERS
                                                                       ACHES AND PAINS
                                                                       A RUNNY NOSE
                                                                       SORE THROAT PAIN

                      FORMAT:                            Convenient                    Easy to
                                                        capsule pack                swallow liquid

                      FOR:                                 Relief at night and so aids restful sleep

 Paracetamol, Promethazine Hydrochloride, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide.

 For powerful symptom relief and so aids restful sleep.

                                                                              Case   Buying     Trade    POR
                                                     Product              Size  Size  Price/Single   RRP  Offer %  %  Pip Code
                          Save                       NURSES
 *OTC medicines only.                                  CAPSULE HARD 500MG   10  12  £3.59  £5.99  6%  28%  009-2767
                      To 11%
 References: 1. NICE website – common cold. Available from!scenario. Accessed 31/09/23. 2. Cold, flu, or   Up   Off  LIQUID 1X160ML 160ml  12  £5.10  £8.99  11%  32%  032-6488
 allergy? NIH News In Health. Available at Accessed 31/09/23. 3. Kam et al. Engaging patients with   CAPSULE HARD 500MG  10  12  £3.59  £5.99  6%  28%  009-2767
 cold & flu: outing theory into practice. The Pharmaceutical Journal. September 2019.
 learning-article/engaging-patients-with-cold-and-flu-putting-theory-into-practice/20207035.article. Accessed 31/09/23. 4. Treat yourself better    Trade  LIQUID 160ml  12  £5.10  £8.99  11%  32%  032-6488
 with pharmacist advice. Accessed 31/09/23. 5. Haleon Data on File.   CAPSULE HARD 500MG  10  12  £3.59  £5.99  6%  28%  009-2767
 Product Information. Night Nurse and Night Nurse Capsules (paracetamol, promethazine hydrochloride, dextromethorphan hydrobromide).   LIQUID 160ml  12  £5.10  £8.99  11%  32%  032-6488
 Indications: Symptomatic relief of colds, chills and influenza at night. Legal category: P. PL holder: Haleon UK Trading Limited, The Heights,
 Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 0NY, United Kingdom. Information about these products, including adverse reactions, precautions, contraindications,    CAPSULE HARD 500MG   10  12  £3.59  £5.99  6%  28%  009-2767
 and method of use can be found at:,  LIQUID  160ml  12  £5.10  £8.99  11%  32%  032-6488
 Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the Haleon group of companies. PM-UK-NRS-21-00021.  CAPSULE HARD 500MG  10  12  £3.59  £5.99  6%  28%  009-2767
               *OTC medicines only.
               PI can be found on back page.                       LIQUID 160ml  12  £5.10  £8.99  11%  32%  032-6488

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 SM4752_2023_Nurses-Unbreakable-Category-Book-Sigma 7 PRESS_READY.indd   3-4                               20/09/2023   17:10
 SM4752_2023_Nurses-Unbreakable-Category-Book-Sigma 7 PRESS_READY.indd   3-4
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