Page 17 - P4403.14_V86_YOUROTC_Book NOVEMBER_2023_PRINT
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 Community pharmacy has an important role to play in self care:

                         Signs and symptoms 2                 Cold                         Flu
                           Symptom onset                    Gradual                       Abrupt
 Ensures better                Fever                          Rare                        Usual
 physical health               Aches                         Slight                       Usual

                          Fatigue, weakness                Sometimes                      Usual
                             Sneezing                        Usual                      Sometimes
                       Chest discomfort, cough           Mild to moderate                Common
 Help manage              Stuffy runny nose                 Common                      Sometimes
 chronic conditions          Sore throat                    Common                      Sometimes
                             Headache                      Uncommon                      Common

                               Cough                        Common                       Common

                    IMPORTANT: if a patient has symptoms and suspects they might have COVID-19, or if they have had a
 Improve            positive test, please follow the latest government guidance which you can find on the NHS website.
 healthcare access

                  How you

 Free up GP time  can help
                                              CONSIDER              TELL THEM               LET THEM
                  Messages to share         The correct dosage      What to expect           KNOW
                                                                      in terms of
                  with patients             & administration of      symptom relief        When to expect
                                             any medications –
                  during cold & flu          including duration                             in symptoms
 Reduce emergency   consultations: 3            of usage

                     LOOK OUT FOR            REACTIONS                ADVICE             CONSIDERATION
 Improving health literacy and promoting self-care  Any red flags to watch   What to do if there is   When to return to the   Remember to consider
                          out for           no improvement or if     pharmacy or          any other self care
 Self-care advice – NICE 1                 an adverse reaction is    ask for advice      recommendations e.g.
                                               experienced                                tissues & vitamins.
 • Antibiotics are ineffective for cold & flu viruses and may have adverse events
 • Adequate fluid should be taken to compensate for fever and mucous secretion  The majority of cold & flu symptoms are over in 4-5 days, but it can take up to 10 days or more
 • Remain as active as possible without feeling significant discomfort  for complete recovery.  Be aware that patients may attend the pharmacy at different stages of
 • Wash hands with hot water and soap to get rid of any germs that may have been picked up  a cold and with different symptoms.

 PI can be found on back page  PI can be found on back page

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