Page 39 - P4304.1-V100_PS Magazine - August 24 PRINT
P. 39

Prescriptions for Schedule 2 & 3 CDs

                 The prescriber has three main responsibilities:
                 •  to avoid creating dependence by introducing CDs to patients
                    without enough reason. Here, the prescribing of the morphine-like
                    drugs is important. Do you have adequate controls in place with
                    regard to repeat prescription requests? Are repeats limited to a
                    small number of issues before reauthorisation? Just because it
                    isn’t a Schedule 2 CD doesn’t mean it is not addictive!

                 •  to see that the patient does not gradually increase the dose of
                    a drug, other than for good medical reasons, to the point where
                    dependence becomes more likely. The prescriber should keep a
                    close eye on the quantity of CDs prescribed to prevent patients
                    from accumulating stocks. Again – what are your controls? I
                    always recommend using the repeat medication option with limited
                    issues rather than acute supplies which can become a free for all.

                 •  to avoid being used as a source of supply for addicts and being
                    vigilant to methods for obtaining medicines. Do you have patients
                    visiting more than one doctor, attending A&E at weekends,
                    fabricating stories about losing medications or even ordering for
                    elderly relatives where you haven’t seen the patient for a while?
                    Again - do you have adequate prescribing controls in place when
                    processing prescription requests?

                 Dispensing                                   Duration of treatment

                 Controlled Drugs                             when the medication is a

                 As a dispenser, I believe you                Controlled Drug
                 also have a responsibility to
                 be aware of potential issues                 Best practice is that the quantity of CDs
                 regarding supply of these                    be limited to a quantity for up to 30 days’
                 medications to your patients                 treatment but there may be instances where a
                 and to raise concerns to the GP.             prescriber believes that a prescription should be
                 You will be privy to those early             issued for a longer period. Long holidays abroad
                 requests each month or the                   are the most likely reason for a greater than
                 patient who is always claiming               30-day supply. In this instance it is not illegal
                 to have ‘mislaid’ their tablets!             to dispense CD prescriptions with quantities
                                                              for than 30 days’ supply but you will need to
                                                              consider how you will handle such requests.
                                                              Maybe adding a script note would be a good idea
                                                              so the next issue is not supplied before it is due.
                                                              Good guidance regarding travelling with
                                                              medications can be found here:


               or call us on 01904 558 350                                          Controlled Drugs | PS Magazine   3 9

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