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Are there any upcoming plans or alternative to constant phone
projects that Nucare is working on communication. Moreover, we offer the
to strengthen its partnership with convenience of opening new accounts on the
spot during these events.
PSUK members and improve their
overall experience? With the healthcare landscape
We are presently in the process of developing constantly evolving, how does
a customer portal that will enable order Nucare stay at the forefront of
placement, stock level checks, and access innovation to better meet the needs
to account details. This anticipated feature of PSUK members?
is expected to be launched next year. Given
the high demand from many members, we Having multiple ways of being able to order
are dedicated to ensuring its highest quality has always been a benefit for NuCare,
before making it universally available. Our whether you prefer to call your orders through,
aim is to enhance service efficiency while email or simply just nominating us so that
maintaining excellence. Additionally, we your prescriptions come straight to us, the
actively participate in as many PSUK study choice is always down to the dispensary. The
days as possible, facilitating direct, in- team at NuCare are committed to provide
person interactions for both new and existing the best quality service possible whilst always
customers. This approach provides an putting the patients needs as a highest
or call us on 01904 558 350 In the Spotlight... | PS Magazine 19
P4304.1-V90_PS-Magazine-October 2023.indd 19
06/09/2023 16:24:57
P4304.1-V90_PS-Magazine-October 2023.indd 19 06/09/2023 16:24:57