Page 35 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 35

The  employment  or  services  of  appointees  under  temporary  status  may  be  terminated
                              without necessarily being replaced by another.  Temporary appointees may also be replaced within
                              the twelve-month period by qualified applicants.
                                     A 30-day written notice signed by the appointing authority shall be given to the temporary
                              appointee prior to termination of service/removal or replacement.
                          c.  A contractual appointment may be issued to a faculty member when the exigency of the service
                              requires, subject to existing policies.  Such appointment is for a limited period not to exceed one
                              school year.  However, the renewal of the appointment is subject to need and the availability of funds.
                              The appointing authority shall indicate the inclusive period covered by the appointment for crediting
                                     A contractual appointment should not be confused with contract of service since the service
                              under the latter is not considered as government service.  Contract of service does not give rise to
                              employer-employee relationship between the individual and the government, which is not true with
                              contractual appointment.
                          d.  A part-time appointment may be issued to a regular plantilla position, either as permanent, if the
                              requirements of the position are met; or as temporary, if one of the requirements is not met.
                                     Part-time  appointment  to  a  regular  plantilla  position  is  different  from  part-time  teaching
                              covered by a contract of service or a job order.  The former is submitted to the CSC as it involves
                              appointment to a regular plantilla position, only that the work is part-time.
                                      Service under a part-time appointment is government service and forms part of the faculty
                              member’s service record.
                                     On the other hand, part-time teaching covered by a contract of service or a job order does
                              not give rise to employer-employee relationship between the University and the person hired, and it
                              is stipulated  in  the  contract that  services  rendered  cannot  be  accredited  as  government service.
                              Furthermore, the teaching staff member covered by a contract of service or a job order is not entitled
                              to benefits enjoyed by government employees.

                   6.  All appointments should pass through the UFSPB, either on permanent, temporary or contractual status.
                   7.  Except for very meritorious reasons, the entry level for original appointments shall be the lowest grade of the
                       faculty rank to which the applicant or transferee is qualified, i.e., Instructor I, Assistant Professor I, Associate
                       Professor I, and Professor I.
                   8.  Recruitment and appointment to a faculty position shall be based on the following factors:
                          8.1    Education;
                          8.2    Experience;
                          8.3    Professional Development and Work-Related Dimensions;
                          8.4    Panel Interview;
                          8.5    Personality and Psychological Evaluation; and
                          8.5    Demonstration Teaching.
                   9.  All applicants must not be over the applicable age requirements as follows:
                       9.1  25 years old – bachelor’s degree holder (If over 25 but not yet 35 years, must have earned at least 9
                          units in relevant master’s degree or must have at least two (2) years teaching experience.
                       9.2  35 years old – Master’s degree holder (If over 35 but not yet 45 years old, must have Ph.D. units and a
                          teaching experience of at least five (5) years.)
                       9.3  45 years old – Ph.D. degree holder or a Ph.D. candidate with a teaching experience of at least eight (8)
                   10.  Faculty recruitment shall be based on need using the results of the Faculty Workload Analysis.
                   11.  Appropriate  or  relevant  educational  qualification  required  shall  be set  by the concerned college/academic
                       department.  If applicable to his/her degree, appropriate PRC license shall be required of applicants.
                   12.  Applicants shall be ranked based on the following factors:

                          a.   Qualifications based on NBC 461 CCE points (50% of 200 pts.)    100 pts.

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