Page 37 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 37

2.  Ranking Faculty Member to be chosen by the President;
                   3.  Campus Executive Director/Head of campus where the vacancy exists;
                   4.  President of the CSC-accredited Faculty Association;
                   5.  Dean of the College/Unit where the vacancy exists;
                   6.  Department or Program Chairman to which the appointee will be assigned;
                   7.  Subject Specialist; and
                   8.  The Human Resource Management (HRM) Officer as the UFSPB Secretary.

               Functions and Duties of the UFSPB:
                   1.  1. The University Faculty Selection & Promotions Board herein referred to as the UFSPB      shall assist the
                       University President in selecting applicants or candidates for selection/promotion.
                   2.  2 The UFSPB shall review and deliberate en banc the result of evaluation conducted by the Campus Faculty
                       Selection & Promotions Committee.
                   3.  The UFSPB shall act on appeal for reconsideration and/or complaints on the action and/or recommendation of
                       the Campus Faculty Selection and Promotions Committee.
                   4.  The  UFSPB  shall  periodically  review  and  recommend  the  amendments  on  the  policies  and  guidelines
                       governing the recruitment promotion.
                   5.  The UFSPB shall submit a comprehensive evaluation report of all the candidates screened for appointment so
                       that the appointing authority will be guided in choosing the one who can efficiently perform the duties and
                       responsibilities of the position to be filled.

                       A Campus Evaluation Committee (CEC) will be formed composed of three members who are knowledgeable
               about the application of the provisions of the NBC 461.  The Chairperson, who sits in the deliberation of the CFSPC, is
               preferably one who has attended the PASUC Seminar on NBC 461.

                       The CEC will evaluate the documents submitted by the faculty members for promotion.  It shall also prepare
               the ranking of the evaluated faculty candidates for promotion.

               a.      A request for faculty recruitment addressed to the President endorsed by the Campus Head is made at least two
                     (2) months before the commence of actual service or duty, by any concerned academic unit, which will be
                     subjected to workload analysis to validate the need.  The request is supported by evidence or proof of need such
                     as Workload Analysis of the campus and other supporting documents, e.g., enrolment by program and subject
                     offerings, etc.
               b.     In case of natural vacancies of faculty items, the Office of Planning and Development together with the Registrar
                     and all the College Secretaries (members of the Campus Workload Committee) shall make a campus wide faculty
                     need analysis through a faculty workload assessment, at least two (2) months before the start of each school
                     year.  This will determine the specific field/s of specialization that is/are needed to meet the faculty requirements
                     of specific curricular program/s.
               c.     Announcements or publications of needed degree/field of specialization shall be made   in accordance with the
                     requirements of the Civil Service Commission.   Publish vacant positions in accordance with RA 7041 (Publication
                     Law) for transparency.  The published vacant positions shall also be posted in at least three (3) conspicuous
                     places in the University for at least ten (10) calendar days and should be sent to other educational institutions
                     within the region for the information of other people who may be interested in them.  Other appropriate modes of
                     publication shall be considered.  Men and women shall be encouraged to apply.

               d.    The HRMO shall conduct preliminary evaluation of the qualifications of all candidates.
                     The HRMO shall list candidates aspiring for the vacant position, either from within or outside the University.

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