Page 42 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 42

Promotions Committee. The college concerned is properly represented following the university guidelines and
                       policies on recruitment and selection. Policies and guidelines governing recruitment of faculty members are
                       established. Procedures are found in the Administrative Manual 2005, pp.71-79.

                              Hence, the University adopts an effective recruitment and selection process. Applicants had their
                       demonstration teaching, interview and examination. The panel of interviewers, Vice President for Academic
                       Affairs as Chairman, ranking faculty member to be chosen by the President, campus Executive Director/Head
                       of  campus  where  the  vacancy  exists,  President  of  the CSC-accredited  Faculty  Association,  Dean  of  the
                       College/Unit  where the vacancy  exists,  Department  or  Program  Chairman  to  which  the  appointee will  be
                       assigned, Subject Specialist, and Human Resource Management (HRM) Officer as the UFSPB Secretary, rate
                       the applicants according to their performance. From then, their ratings will be ranked and the highest applicant
                       will be hired, this of course will also be based on merit and fitness.

                   1.  SYSTEM-INPUTS AND PROCESSES

                        ⮚  Consolidate the Programs Faculty Workload/ELT according to their academic ranks in the last 6
                           Academic terms.

                             (Appendix A of Faculty Manual pp.120)
                                                         Faculty Workload Guide

                             WORKLOAD ASSIGNMENT                FTE DETERMINATION
                                                           Contact    Weight     FTE
                       A.     INSTRUCTION
                              1    Lecture                  1.00       1.00      1.00   Based on a one-hour lecture
                                                                                        per week for both graduate
                                                                                        and undergraduate
                              2.   Laboratory               1.00      0.75/0.8   0.75/0.8   Based on a one-hour
                                                                                        laboratory per week for both
                                                                                        graduate and undergraduate
                              3.   Technical Adviser/Supervisor   Variable    0.3 per   0.3 times
                                   in field work, on-the-job          student     the
                                   training, community                         number of
                                   immersions, field experience,                students
                                   and similar activities,                      but not to
                                   including critique teacher, in               exceed
                                   practice teaching and thesis                   3.0
                       b.  RESEARCH                      National/Intl.   Regional &   FTE

                                   Program Leader [not to   6.00       5.00    No. of   Based on the provision of
                                   exceed two (2) programs at a                programs   DOST MC 001
                       1.          time] without honorarium with               times the
                                   accomplishment/terminal                     weight not
                                   report                                      to exceed
                                                                               9 FTE

                        2.         Project Leader [not to exceed   5.00   4.00   No. of   Based on the provision of
                                   two (2) projects at a time]                 projects   DOST MC 001
                                   without honorarium with                     times the
                                   accomplishment/terminal                     weight not

                                   report                                      to exceed
                                                                               9 FTE

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