Page 44 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 44

Faculty Workload Guide
                             WORKLOAD ASSIGNMENT                FTE DETERMINATION
                                                           Contact    Weight     FTE
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE
                                   e.   Discussant/Reactor   1.00    0.03/0.05   No. of
                                                                               times the
                                                                               weight not
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE
                                   f.   Resource Person     1.00     0.03/0.05   No. of
                                                                               times the
                                                                               weight not
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE

                                   g.   Rapporteur          1.00       0.02    No. of
                                                                               times the
                                                                               weight not
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE

                                   Extension                1.00       0.03    No. of   Involvement in various
                                   Programs/Activities                         hours    extension programs/activities
                                                                               times the   [not to exceed six (6) FTE].
                                                                               weight not
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE
                                   Note: Time engagement in extension activities must be determined and assessed through the extension proposal

                               D.   PRODUCTION           No. of Hours   Weight   FTE
                                   Production Activities    1.00       0.03    No. of
                                                                               times the
                                                                               weight not
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE
                                   Note: Time engagement in production activities must be determined and assessed in the production proposal
                       E.          ADMINISTRATION          Quasi     Teaching    FTE
                                                         Assignment   Assignment
                               1.   Vice President         18.00       3.00      21.00
                               2.   University Director for:
                                   Instruction             15.00       6.00      21.00
                                   Research                15.00       6.00      21.00
                                   Extension               15.00       6.00      21.00
                                   Production              15.00       6.00      21.00
                                   Quality Assurance       15.00       6.00      21.00
                                   Planning and Management   15.00     6.00      21.00
                                   Information System (MIS)
                                   Student Services        15.00       6.00      21.00
                                   General Services        15.00       6.00      21.00
                                   Sports                  15.00       6.00      21.00

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