Page 40 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 40

also be posted in at least three (3) conspicuous places in the University for at least ten (10) calendar days and should
               be sent to other educational institutions within the region for the information of other people who may be interested in
               them. Other appropriate modes of publication shall be considered. Men and women shall be encouraged to apply.

                       The basis for the in breeding policy is embodied in the Faculty Manual and in the Merit System   for Faculty
               Members of the Isabela State University, both documents states that recruitment should be able to attract applicants
               who are graduates of prestigious academic institutions, (particularly those of recognized standing like UP, UST, Ateneo,
               De La Salle, including ISU honor graduates and/or Licensure Examination Topnotchers, but they must, however, meet
               the required qualifications and minimum points.)

                        ⮚  Present Institutions system of Conducting Orientation/Re-Orientation of New/Old Faculty

                       The institution regularly conducts orientation/reorientation program to new/old faculty. It was yearly held and
               spearheaded by the Human Resource Management Office personnel.

                              Faculty members who were given temporary or permanent appointments were invited and other key personnel
               were given topics to discuss and present to the faculty members.

                       A program was held and the University President instated the faculty members involved. CSC policies, proper
               attire for government officials and rules and regulations of the university were also lectured to the new faculty members
               of the university.

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