Page 38 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 38

e. A minimum of three (3) applicants in each needed discipline is required before evaluation/screening is conducted.
                   However,  in  case  the  minimum  3  applicants  could  not  be  met  notwithstanding  utmost  efforts  through
                   announcements and publications, the screening can proceed especially if the need is urgent.

               f. The NBC 461 Campus Evaluation Committee shall initially evaluate the applicants based on submitted documents
                   using the CCE component of NBC 461 and submit its output to the CFSPC.

                      There shall be a Campus Evaluation Committee (CEC) composed of members who are knowledgeable about the
                   Faculty  Common  Criteria  for  Evaluation  (CCE)  under  the  National  Budget  Circular  (NBC)  No.  461  and  other
                   issuances for faculty evaluation as well as other evaluation instruments/tools which shall evaluate the qualifications
                   of all applicants based on documents submitted.

               g. All qualified applicants will then take a Psychological Test after which they shall be called for Panel Interview to be
                   conducted by at least four (4) members of the Campus Faculty Selection and Promotion Committee.  Those initially
                   found qualified shall also undergo further assessment such as written examination, skills test, and others.  After
                   which, a selection line-up shall be prepared and posted in three (3) conspicuous places in the University for at least
                   fifteen (15) calendar days.  The date of posting shall be indicated in the notice.

               h. All interviewed applicants will be required to perform demonstration teaching before Subject Specialists, Professional
                   Education Representatives and appropriate students who will rate them.  The process of demonstration teaching is
                   as follows:

                   h.1 Prior to the date of the demonstration teaching, the CFSPC shall assign five (5) topics for the applicant to
                        prepare in line with his/her field of specialization which will be validated by Subject Specialists.

                   h.2 On the date of the scheduled demonstration teaching, the applicant is asked to pick out by draw lots one from
                        the  topics  validated  by  the  Subject  Specialists.    The  drawn  topic  will  be  the subject  matter  of  his/her
                        demonstration teaching with a time allotment of 20-30 minutes.

                   h.3 The applicant will be observed and rated by the following group of observers:

                         h.3.1 Three (3) Subject Specialists – the Department Chair of the College where the recruit will be assigned
                              and two (2) faculty members who teach the subject/discipline.

                        h.3.2 Two (2) representatives from the Professional Education Department.

                          h.3.3 A minimum of ten (10) appropriate students.

               i. The Campus Faculty Selection and Promotion Committee shall then review and deliberate on the results of the
                   evaluation and the ranking taking into consideration the NBC CCE points of the applicants from the evaluated
                   documents, the panel interview and the demonstration teaching.  After which, the Campus Summary of Recruitment
                   and Selection Evaluation shall be endorsed by the Campus Executive Director to the University President through
                   the UFSPB who shall make a thorough review/evaluation en banc.

                 j. A member-representative of the University Faculty Selection and Promotions Board (UFSPB) should be present in
                   all phases of screening to be conducted by the Campus Faculty Selection and Promotions Committee (CFSPC) to
                   observe and to ensure that the policies and mechanics of recruitment will be strictly observed.

               k. The Campus Faculty Selection and Promotion Committee shall screen all evaluated applicants following the Faculty
                   Recruitment and Screening (FRS) Forms.  The CFSPC shall prepare the Summary of Recruitment and Selection
                   Process Form (FRS Form 4)).

               l.  The  UFSPB  shall  prepare  evaluation  report  following  FRS  Form  6.    It  should  be specified  therein  whether  the
                   candidates meet the qualification standards of the position and should also include observations and comments on

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