Page 43 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 43

Faculty Workload Guide
                             WORKLOAD ASSIGNMENT                FTE DETERMINATION
                                                           Contact    Weight     FTE
                        3.         Study Leader [not to exceed   4.00   3.00   No. of   Based on the provision of
                                   two (2) studies at a time]                  studies   DOST MC 001
                                   without honorarium with                     times the
                                   accomplishment/terminal                     weight

                        4.         Program/Project staff [not  to   3.00   2.00   No. of   Based on the provision of
                                   exceed two (2)                              program/   DOST MC 001
                                   programs/projects at a time]                projects
                                   without honorarium with                     times the
                                   accomplishment/terminal                     weight
                        5.         University Expert Pool to                            Based on the provisions of the
                                   evaluate R&D                                         RDET Operations Manual
                                   proposals/programs/projects                          (latest edition)
                                     a.   Cluster/Sector    3.00       2.00    No. of
                                         Team Leader [not to                   clusters/
                                         exceed two (2)                        sectors
                                         clusters/sectors]                     times the

                                     b.    Cluster/Sector   2.00       1.00    No. of    Note: Funded research
                                         Team Member [not                      clusters/   programs/ projects/ studies
                                         to exceed two (2)                     sectors   with honorarium are included
                                         clusters/sectors]                     times the   in the computation of workload

                                                                               weight   but NOT in the computation of
                                                                                        excess load
                       c.   EXTENSION AND TRAINING       No. of Hours   Weight   FTE
                       Workshop/ Forum /Training
                               a.   Coordinator/Chairperson   1.00   0.03/0.05   No. of
                                                                               times the
                                                                               weight not
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE

                                   b.   Member              1.00     0.02/0.03   No. of
                                                                               times the
                                                                               weight not
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE
                                   c.   Moderator           1.00     0.02/0.03   No. of
                                                                               times the
                                                                               weight not
                                                                               to exceed
                                                                               3 FTE
                                   d.   Technical Secretariat   1.00   0.02/0.03   No. of
                                                                               times the
                                                                               weight not

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