Page 84 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 84
are in active service, on study leave, sabbatical leave, on local or foreign scholarship, on training grant, on maternity
leave, or on extended leave without pay.
.A faculty member may be considered for promotion to a higher faculty rank/sub-rank on the basis of the
minimum requirements (education, training and scholarship grants) of the position, including performance rating of
at least Very Satisfactory during the last two (2) rating periods.
In cases where the competence and qualification of two or more faculty members are comparatively at
par, preference shall be given to the candidate in the department where the vacancy exists.
The filing and pendency of an administrative case against a faculty member shall not constitute a
disqualification from promotion.
Promotion within six (6) months prior to compulsory retirement shall not be allowed, except as otherwise
provided by law.
Positions belonging to the closed career system are exempted from the three-salary grade limitation on
A faculty member who is on local or foreign scholarship or training grant or on maternity leave or on
secondment may be considered for promotion.
A faculty may be promoted to a position involving not more than six (6) salary pay or job grades higher than
the faculty’s present position, except in very meritorious cases as may be justified by the University President. This
policy is in conformity with the “No Quantum Leap” policy – a quality standard which shall limit promotions not
exceeding six (6) sub-ranks or the highest sub-rank of the next higher rank. (Amended under Board Res. 70, s.
For this purpose, the performance ratings to be considered shall be the two ratings immediately prior to
the scholarship or training grant or maternity leave or secondment.
Consistent with one of the provisions of the ISU-BOR Resolution No. 37, s. 1998, Chain Promotion will be
done by Campus where the vacancy/ies occur/s. In case there is no qualified faculty in the campus where there is
vacancy due to the minimum educational qualification prescribed in accordance with the QS, an inter-campus
transfer of vacant item/s may be allowed. However, such transferred vacant item will be replaced by an item (e.g.,
Professor 3 for non-Ph.D. and Assistant Professor I for non-masteral) that can be filled up by a deserving faculty in
the campus where the original vacancy comes from.
Additionally, NBC 461 evaluation is done every 3 years. Institutional Promotion was also being
implemented. These evaluations were implemented to have vacant positions for new applicants.
⮚ Present the BOR/BOT Approved Guidelines on Faculty Development Program.
(Excerpts from Faculty Manual pp.110)
51 | Page- OBQA-PPP / Area II: The Faculty/BPA