Page 87 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 87

2. A faculty who desires to take up additional subject/s to enhance his teaching efficiency shall be permitted to enroll
               maximum six (6) units during weekdays provided that his enrollment shall not interfere with his regular teaching load as
               certified by his Dean.

                3.  A faculty who desires to pursue advanced education on his own without going on study leave, shall seek the approval
               of the President through University Faculty Training and Development Board. The degree to be pursued shall be in line
               with his field of specialization and in conformity with the guidelines in the University Faculty Development Program. The
               university where the faculty intends to enroll shall be approved by the President.

                4. Failure of the faculty to comply with  provision  no. 3 shall be a valid ground for non- recognition, and or non-
               accreditation  of  the  advanced  degree  pursued/earned  for  the  purpose  of  promotion  and  availment  of  financial

                C. Sabbatical and Post-Doctoral Leaves

                C.1. Qualifications

                       1.a Sabbatical Leave

                       A faculty shall:
                              a. have rendered at least ten (10) continuous years of service;
                              b.  have  at    least  rendered  seven  (7)  continuous  years  of  very  satisfactory  service  immediately
                              preceding the leave;
                              c. possess a (non doctorate) Ph.D. degree,  and
                              d. be at least an Associate Professor

                       1.b Post-Doctoral Leave

                       A faculty shall:
                              a.  have    at  least  rendered seven  (7)  continuous  years  of very satisfactory service  immediately
                              preceding the leave;
                              b. has a rank of  at least Assistant Professor IV (Professor 1)

                C.2. Guidelines

                   1.  Applications for sabbatical or post-doctoral leave shall indicate strong justifications to include program of
                       activities and expected output.
                   2.  Upon approval of the application, the faculty shall sign a contract with the University and comply with other
                       institutional requirements.
                   3.  No sabbatical or post-doctoral leave shall be approved without the certification of the Dean concerned that the
                       services of the faculty could be temporarily dispensed with and that there are capable faculty who shall take
                   4.  Grantees shall submit an output upon the completion of the leave;
                   5.  A faculty shall not engage in any form of employment, consultancy and similar activities while on leave.
                   6.  Sabbatical leave for one (1) year shall be availed of every seven (7) years provided all the requirements in the
                       previous availment have been complied with.
                   7.  For post-doctoral leave, the faculty must be accepted in a research/academic institution.

                D. Seminars, Trainings & Workshops

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