Page 86 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
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shall determine the degree to be pursued;
                                c.  The  Dean  of the  College shall certify that  the services  of  the concerned faculty could  be
                                   dispensed  with  and  that  there  are  capable  faculty  who  can  temporarily  take  over  without
                        d.  The faculty shall secure a clearance and enter into scholarship/fellowship contract with the University.

                    4.  The faculty with scholarship grants or on full-time study leave on official time shall be with pay;

                    5.  The faculty shall submit a report of grades duly certified by the Registrar of the University where he is enrolled
                        within thirty (30) days after the end of each term. Failure to submit without valid reasons shall be subject to
                        the following:

                        a. First offense – suspension of salary until the submission of the report
                        b. Succeeding offenses - cancellation of the study grant

                    6. The faculty shall maintain a weighted average of (1.75) 1.5 per academic term.

                          Failure of the faculty to meet the GWA would cause reversal of the nature of his study grant from
                    university scholar to official time only;

                    7.  A faculty shall pursue a degree vertical to his field of specialization.

                    8.  A faculty shall not be allowed to transfer to another University except for meritorious reasons upon approval by
                   the President through the recommendations of the University Faculty Training and Development Board (UFTDB)
                   and the sponsoring agency. Failure to observe this provision shall be ground for cancellation of the grant.

                    9. No faculty shall be allowed to attend conferences, seminars, workshops and trainings while on study leave
                   unless such attendance is a part of or required in his academic program. He shall not also be allowed to accept
                   consultancy or go on moonlighting.  Violation of this provision shall be ground for the cancellation of the study leave.

                    10.  A study leave shall not be deferred except in the following cases:

                     a.       Maternity (once only for the duration of study leave);
                     b.  Serious illness (that may affect the mental and/or physical well-being of the grantee) as certified by a  physician
                     recognized by the University;
                     c. Unavailability of subject to be enrolled during the term, as certified  by the registrar;

                    *Note: Deferred study leave due to (a), (b) and (c) shall not form part of approved period of study leave. Request for deferment
                   other than the above mentioned reasons shall not be allowed.

                11.  A grantee not enrolled shall be required to report to his college; otherwise, he shall be considered absent and
               such absence shall be charged against his earned leave credits, if any, otherwise he shall be without pay.

                12.  Upon completion of his leave the faculty shall immediately file reinstatement to duty.

                13. The faculty shall submit a Transcript of Record (TOR), bound manuscript and a re-entry plan stating the program
               of work to further improve instruction, research, extension and production
                B. Study without Leave

                1. A faculty who desires to take or complete a degree without going on study leave shall enroll a maximum of six (6)
               units during weekdays and shall render equivalent hours of service during weekdays and/or weekends.

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