Page 90 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 90

charged and meted with corresponding penalty after due process.

                Repealing Clause
                       All Faculty Development Policies which are contrary or inconsistent with this Faculty Development Policies are
               deemed modified or repealed.

               ⮚  Present the Institutions approved PRE (Programs Responsibility Expenditure) where the allocated budget
                    for Faculty Development is listed and included.

                   3.  IMPLEMENTATION
                          ⮚  Present  in  outline  form  the  Faculty  Development  Program/Plan  specific  to  the  Program
                              (including  degree  program  to  be  pursued,  schedule/year,  funding  source,  etc.;  seminars,
                              training etc.)
                              □ Towards a Higher Degree (Doctoral/Master’s)

                                  Name of     Degree Program    Schedule/Year   School to Enroll in   Funding
                                  Faculty      to be Pursued      (inclusive)                          Source

                               1. Manaligod,    Completion of   SY 2023-2024   UPNCPAG             Scholarship
                               Joana D              DPA                                            CHED or ISU

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