Page 89 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 89

1. He shall not be a recipient of any other scholarship program/ any other form of assistance from any donor whether
                private or government.

                2. He shall have an application approved by the UFTDB thirty (30) days before the start of the academic term;

                3 He shall enroll in a reputable university in a program with at least Level II Reaccredited Status or granted center of
               excellence or center of development;

                4. He shall maintain or meet the general weighted average grade requirement of at least 1.5;

                5. To avail of dissertation assistance, he shall submit an approved bound manuscript and Transcript of   Records.
                6. To avail of foreign travel assistance such as pre-departure expenses and clothing allowance, he shall submit an
               approved authority to travel,   sign a training contract with the university and abide by the provisions of E.O. No. 298.

                7. The faculty who finishes his degree ahead of time shall be given an incentive subject to existing staff development

                I. Payment of Stipend for University-Sponsored Scholarship and Dissertation Assistance
                          Stipend and other allowances to a University-sponsored scholar shall be as follows:
                              Monthly stipend: Metro Manila                            P 7,000.00
                                              Outside Isabela but within Region 02            P 5,000.00
                                                            Book allowance/semester             P 2,000.00
                                                            Book allowance/summer              P 1,000.00
                                              Dissertation assistance shall be          P30, 000.00.

               Those who have availed outside scholarship grants with lower monthly stipend shall receive the difference from the

                J. Sanctions for Violation of Contract

                1.      A faculty who fails to enroll without reasonable cause within the duration of his study leave shall reimburse all
               remunerations including allowances received during the term.

                2.     A faculty who refuses to render the required period of return service shall be obliged to reimburse the gross
               salary, all financial support, assistance (scholarship, allowance, and stipend) and other benefits received while on study

                3.     A faculty who fails to render in full the service obligation due to voluntary resignation, optional retirement,
               separation from the service  and other causes within his control shall refund the gross salary, allowances and other
               benefits received while on study leave;

                4.     A faculty who completes the academic requirements only and decides to return to duty, shall be required to
               render the return service as stipulated in the contract.  While rendering the required return service, he shall NOT be
               allowed to attend succeeding seminars, workshops, trainings and neither shall be granted other study leaves or grants.
               If on official time, he shall reimburse fifty percent (50%) of all benefits and remunerations received and if granted
               University scholarship/grants, he shall reimburse one hundred percent (100%) of benefits, remunerations as well as
               financial grants/support received.

                5.     A faculty who has been granted scholarship/fellowship/sabbatical leave/post-doctoral leave but fails to return
               to the University shall be required to pay ten percent (10%) interest in addition to the full payment of all assistance or all
               remuneration received, and shall eventually be dismissed dishonorably.

                        6. A faculty who violates any of the provisions of the Faculty Development Policies shall be administratively

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