Page 85 - pdf BPA-FINAL-PPP-for-AREA-II-FACULTY-MAY-8-2022
P. 85
Policy Statements
1. The Faculty Development Program is established to improve the capability and competence of the faculty in order to
attain and sustain academic excellence.
2. The University shall adopt a BOR approved Five Year Faculty Development Program (FYFDP) relevant to the needs
of the colleges/campuses.
3. The University shall identify and approve the institution where the faculty is to enroll.
3.1 Coverage of the Faculty Development Program:
3.1.1 Faculty on scholarship/study leave on official time;
3.1.2 Faculty attending seminars, workshops and other training programs, and
3.1.3 Faculty pursuing Graduate Program during Saturdays and Sundays
4. A faculty shall be granted scholarship/study leave on official time, subject to the policies and guidelines of the Faculty
Development Program of the University.
5. A faculty involved in special programs/projects on research, extension and other development projects including
consultancy services and secondment shall be covered by a duly notarized Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
between ISU and the sponsoring agency; the terms and provisions of which are mutually beneficial and sanctioned
by the Board of Regents.
Any incentive/honorarium received by a faculty for his involvement in special projects shall be subject to terms and
conditions stipulated in the MOA between ISU and the sponsoring agency.
6. A faculty may avail of secondment upon compliance of qualifications prescribed by the Civil Service Commission and
shall receive salaries and other compensation from the agency or institution granting the secondment.
Specific Guidelines for Various Faculty Development
A. Full - Time Study Leave
1. A faculty on full-time study leave shall:
a. be a permanent faculty for at least two (2) academic years immediately preceding the application;
b. has obtained a very satisfactory performance (VS) performance rating for at least two (2) academic years
preceding the application;
c. have no pending administrative/criminal charges, and
d. meet the age requirement as stipulated in the Faculty Merit System
2. A faculty shall avail of a study leave/scholarship only once.
3. The following guidelines shall be observed in the grant of study leave/scholarship:
a. Request shall indicate the specialization of the faculty;
b. In the case of faculty retooling, the College/Campus Faculty Development Committee (CFDC)
52 | Page- OBQA-PPP / Area II: The Faculty/BPA