Page 40 - DP Vol 20 No 5_Neat
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Dubravka Knezović Zlatarić
Prof. Dubravka Knezović Zlatarić (University
of Zagreb, Croatia) has made it her mission
to continually improve the shade-effect
predictability of esthetic restorations. She
understands that the right shade is one of
the most important parameters patients
consider when judging the quality of their
dental treatment. This is why digital shade
determination has become one of her focus
areas. By leveraging this technology, the
tooth shade can be accurately analyzed and
documented for dental technicians, enabling
them to select appropriate blanks and carry
out patient-specific individualization.
With VITA Easyshade LITE (VITA
Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany),
dental practices and laboratories can now
access a user-friendly, cost-effective version of
this technology. At the touch of a button, the
spectrophotometer transmits defined light to
the dentin core. Within seconds, the reflected
light is recorded, analyzed, and displayed in
both VITA shade standards. In this interview,
Prof. Knezović Zlatarić explains the new
device, its features, and its delegation-friendly
What are the overall benefits of digital tooth
shade determination using VITA Easyshade
technology? What are the challenges where
the spectrophotometer can help?
A VITA spectrophotometer significantly Easyshade LITE? What are the strengths of as VITA Easyshade V, which includes
simplifies the work of dentists and dental this spectrophotometer, and what can users additional features.
technicians. These devices are invaluable for look forward to with the market launch?
quickly, easily, and precisely determining The name says it all (laughs). According to How exactly does VITA Easyshade
tooth shade across various clinical situations, the Cambridge Dictionary, the adjective "lite" LITE differ from VITA Easyshade V?
especially for single-tooth ceramic refers to things that are easy to understand What similarities are shared by both
restorations like veneers or crowns in the and enjoy. On one hand, VITA Easyshade spectrophotometers?
esthetic zone. Scientific studies have proven LITE simplifies tooth shade determination VITA Easyshade LITE is a more simplified
that VITA Easyshade spectrophotometers for dental practices and laboratories. On version of its "big brother," VITA Easyshade
are more accurate than the human eye the other hand, the term "lite" is often used V. Both devices share the same primary
in determining tooth shade because they in the food industry to describe low-calorie function: determining the basic tooth shade
eliminate external variables such as ambient products. Similarly, this version of the of natural dentition and displaying results
lighting, subjective perception, tired eyes, and spectrophotometer is streamlined to include according to the VITA SYSTEM 3D-MASTER
user error. only the essential functions for tooth shade and VITA classical A1-D4 shade standards.
determination, offering excellent value for Additionally, they indicate the match quality
What is so special about the new VITA money while maintaining the same precision using a transparent traffic light system.
40 Dental Practice I November-December 2024 I Vol 20 No 5