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Fig 1: VITA Easyshade V (left) and VITA   Fig 2: Prof. Dubravka Knezović Zlatarić during tooth   Fig 3: The identical tooth shade of the same
           Easyshade LITE (right).            shade determination using VITA Easyshade LITE  tooth on the VITA Easyshade V (right) and
                                                                                      VITA Easyshade LITE (left) displays.

           Fig 4: Tooth shade shown as green: Perfect   Fig 5: The perfect shade match (green) documented   Fig 6: Acceptable deviations in shade from
           match with the VITA shade standards.  with the corresponding shade tab.    the VITA shade standards are shown as
                                                                                      yellow on the display.

              However, VITA Easyshade LITE does not include advanced tools   for targeted modifications in lightness and hue to achieve a better
           for numerical shade analysis. That said, in my opinion, the essential   match.
           shade information is displayed more clearly and concisely in the LITE
           version.                                                Who exactly should use VITA Easyshade LITE? Could a
                                                                   combination of VITA Easyshade LITE and VITA Easyshade V also
           Can you explain the traffic light system in more detail? How is the   make sense?
           tooth shade shown on the VITA Easyshade LITE display?   VITA Easyshade LITE is designed for dentists and dental technicians
           In tooth shade determination, it's crucial to present the results in a way   engaged in day-to-day tooth shade determination for fabricating
           that's easily understood. VITA Easyshade LITE employs a transparent   ceramic restorations that achieve a perfect shade match. For more
           traffic light system to indicate the degree of shade equivalence at a   complex cases requiring detailed numerical analysis of lightness,
           glance:                                                 chroma, and hue, I recommend pairing it with VITA Easyshade V.
           • Green: A perfect match with the VITA shade standards.  This  combination  is  especially  beneficial  when  verifying  the  shade
           • Yellow: An acceptable deviation.                      effect of ceramic restorations or monitoring shade changes during
           • Red: A significant deviation.                         bleaching treatments.
              If the measurement is marked red, additional guidance is provided

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                                                              Dental Practice I November-December 2024 I Vol 20 No 5  41
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