Page 4 - MOY Journal_2020
P. 4

Missionary of the Year


                                       Walter E. Miller (MOTHER A.M.E. ZION CHURCH)

                                       (POSTHUMOROUSLY) WALTER E. MILLER was the fourth son and last born
                                       child to Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Annie Miller born on January 5, 1934 in
                                       Mount Ulla, North Carolina. Walter Miller was raised in a Christian home
                                       and  graduated  from  Aggrey  Memorial  High  School in  Landis, N.C.  A  few
                                       years  later  he  was  drafted  into  the  army  in  1953  and  was  honorably
                                       discharged after nine months. Once he returned home, six months later he
                                       decided to leave North Carolina and find a new home in New York City at 24
                                       years old. Then, in 1964 Walter Miller met his late, beloved wife of thirty-
                                       eight  years and  married  her  in  January 3,  1965.  Together  they  had  four
                                       wonderful children. From those children, they have been blessed with nine
                                       grandchildren  and  six  great-grandchildren.    Professionally, Brother  Miller
                                      has  had  a  successful  career  selling  women’s  shoes  at  Selby  Fifth  Avenue
                                    department  store  from  May  1968  to  January  1999,  having  been  retired
            currently for 21 years.  In 1959, Walter Miller found a church home known as Mother A.M.E. Zion Church.
            He officially became a member of Mother Zion a few years later; he felt right at home because he was a
            member of the A.M.E. Zion Church back home in North Carolina. After joining Mother Zion, Walter Miller
            joined the Steward Board, the Cathedral Choir, Men’s Club, Sunday School under the Christian Education
            Department and became an honorary member of the Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society.
            Brother  Walter  Miller has  been  a soldier  for  the  Lord  for a  long  time.  He  is  thankful  that  the  Lord
            continues to keep him each and everyday. Praise ye the Lord!

                                      Rosalind Gilford (MOTHER WALLS A.M.E. ZION CHURCH)

                                      ROSALIND GILFORD is honored to be the daughter of Samuel and Cordelia
                                      Gilford.  She is the blessed mom of Avaye, her beautiful young lady, and is a
                                      humble child of God that accepted Christ and joined Mother Walls A.M.E.
                                      Zion  Church  as  a  pre-teen.   She  grew  in  faith  under  the  preaching  and
                                      teaching  of  her  beloved pastor  the  Rev.   Idonia Stewart.    She sang  in  the
                                      Youth Choir  and now is a member and director of the Gospel Choir.  She
                                      served as a Youth Missionary (Ys), Y.A.M.S. (Young Adults) and now serves as
                                      the Chairman of the Life Member Council.  She loves her church family and is
                                      also a member of the Stewart Board, Decorating Committee and supporter of
                                      all projects.  Roz volunteers at Pathseo Soup Kitchen and Pantry. She serves
                                      proudly  with  some  amazing,  tireless  servants  of  God.  The  ministry  is  not
                                     limited to the church but reaches outside as God calls us, where she feeds and
                                     clothes  her  sisters  and  brothers  in  the  Bronx,  Harlem,  Honduras  and
            Guatemala.  Rosalind sees her job as another ministry.  She works as a Peritoneal Dialysis nurse.  She
            trains both  nurses  and  clients  on  home dialysis.    The  job  provides  an  opportunity  to  meet patients
            medical and spiritual needs.  It's been a difficult year, but putting faith over her fears has provided her
            with strength to make it each day.  Being on the front line is a challenge, but she stands on the Word of
            God to see her through.  Sis. Gilford is blessed to have her family, extended family, friends (near and far),
            her church family, GEM, and her job family.  Our honoree walks in the affirmation of Philippians 4:13,
            which says “I can do all thing through Christ, who strengthens me.”

                                NYC District WHOMS  Saturday, May 29, 2021
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