Page 8 - MOY Journal_2020
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Missionary of the Year
Heart Association’s “Wear Red” Day by gathering in red and having lunch at the Senior Center.
Additionally Information was distributed to the seniors about the benefits of eating the right food,
exercising and the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. The Missionaries by request of Reverend
Perry, sponsored a week long revival and also collected and donated money towards the building of a
well in Liberia. Our Buds of Promise participated and as a result, able to contribute a sizable donation.
Sister Capel says she counts herself as very fortunate to have had missionaries that were willing to work
to be of service to the church and the community. It could not have happened without their support.
Not wanting to let the grass grow under her feet, Sister Capel became the Local Superintendent of Buds
of Promise and is very active in preservation of The Harriet Tubman House in Auburn, NY. In addition
to local activities, Sister Capel has supported the District and Conference mission work. Since 1997, she
has served as the New York City District Affiliate Representative to the National Council of Negro Women,
Inc. (NCNW). She continues to be a blessing as she selflessly works for missions and actively participates
in all aspects of the Local Parent Body.
Delores Ann Ingram
You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. For you created my
inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you
because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are
wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139:1, 13, 14 NIV
DELORES ANN INGRAM was born in the mid-20th century in Durham,
North Carolina and migrated to New York City in 1964. Delores (or Ann
as she is affectionately known by family) has been an integral part of
Varick's tapestry and its Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary
Society (WH&OMS) since joining Varick. Currently, Delores serves as the local WH&OMS treasurer and
financial secretary. Her life of service attests to her dedication and is just one small reason she is Varick's
honoree. In addition to being a Life Member in the WH&OMS, Sis. Delores is both a Deaconess and a
Stewardess; serves as the church's sexton; regularly attends Village School; lends her hands to the
culinary team; and participates in every aspect of our local missionary outreach, especially our Soup and
Sandwich and Clothing Drive ministries. Everything Delores does is done to give GOD (not man) Glory
and her humbleness and caring heart show in all her actions. It is for just this one special moment, we
get to spotlight our honoree Delores Ann Ingram - to God be the Glory for the things He has done!
Marvin Mayfield, Jr.
A lifelong New Yorker, raised in Brooklyn, Marvin E. Mayfield, Jr., son of
The Reverend Marvin E. Mayfield, Sr., (deceased) and Louise F. Mayfield,
was introduced to missions as a child; this introduction to missions was
under the direction of Wilhelminia Lee in the BUDS of Promise department
at First A.M.E. Zion Church. Today, his missionary work shares deep ties
with social justice activism. As a student at both NYU and Columbia, he has
used the transforming power of education to give voice to those who have
been silenced behind prison walls. Marvin has worked as an advocate for
several community-based organizations. He focuses on alternatives to
NYC District WHOMS Saturday, May 29, 2021