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Why Citrix? • Business system releases
Citrix virtualization applications can provide great
assistance in the release of business system CRM,
knowledge base, collection systems, recording
systems, without compromising on the security of
confidential data.
• Simplified operation and maintenance
Call centers face the challenges of having many
business systems and scattered user locations.
Citrix can help users update their business systems
faster and ensure simplified operation and
maintenance management.
01 • External (partner) organization access
Citrix helps enterprises create a secure virtual
workspace for partner companies (contractors) to
Call Center access with clear access rights settings to prevent
any data leak.
• Branch offices and at-home customer service
Citrix reduces the cost of dedicated bandwidth
Creating New Generation Cloud Call Centers for branch offices and provides an unparalleled
user experience.
Compelling Event
The Call Center is an As COVID-19 set in and the According to a study by
opportunity to engage customers
Nemertes Research, 59% of
important part of the in person went away almost contact centers around the world
customer experience overnight, contact centers let at least some of their staff
(CX) and an opportunity became even more vital. In work from a home office pre-
to stand out from the retail, contact center downtime COVID-19. That figure now rose to
competition. related to outages leads directly 74.1% as coronavirus lockdowns
forced companies to close
to lost sales, but every industry
ultimately faces a similar risk, of offices and transition into virtual
negative impact on a business’s contact centers. Once authorities
brand, reputation, profitability, lift these restrictions, 70.7% of
revenue, or future opportunities businesses are likely to continue
allowing agents to work from
home (WFH) in some capacity.