Page 7 - Scenarios_Selling_Kit_Final
P. 7

Key conversations  Questions to Ask

 Contact Center KPIs Showed Signs of Pandemic-induced Strain  01  04            07

            What are the challenges to        How is the access experience      Is there any security risk with
            data security?                    for branch offices and            remote user access?
                                              external organizations?

 Average handle time (AHT) increased from 3 – 6 minutes to   02                 08
 more than 10 minutes.                        05
            Is the enterprise considering                                       What are the challenges
            implementing centralized          How to quickly deploy and         faced by the IT administrators
            data control?                     update core applications and      when the requirements on the
                                              patches? Is the operation         number of customer service
                                              and maintenance efficiency        staff elastically increase or
                                              satisfactory?                     decrease due to events such
 First call resolution rates fell as new multi-step workflows   03              as pandemic or holidays?
 left agents unable to complete transactions and caused   Is there any requirement for   06  09

 repeat customer calls.   cross-network access, such
            as simultaneous access to the
            office network, production        As the business and the number    How does the customer
            network and the internet?         of staff continue to grow, is     service staff adjust the
            How are these issues being        there any need to increase the    organizational structure to
            resolved now?                     dedicated bandwidth?              ensure quick access and
                                                                                response on the workspace?
 Average queue/hold times (AQT/AHT) rose as call volumes

 increased, either due to the acute phases of the crisis, as
 policy changes were implemented, or because there were   Listen
 fewer agents due to absenteeism.

          Notes                             •  PC replacement

 Customer experience declined as new processes to handle   •  New branch offices
 quickly implemented policies turned agents into call   •  More customer service staff
 routers, making the process more difficult and frustrating
 for customers.                             •  Inefficient VPN access
                                            •  Information leakage prevention

                                            •  Increasing dedicated bandwidth for branch offices
 Transfer rates increased as an effect of longer    •  Network isolation requirements, such as isolation of office network,
 AHT and AQT.                                 production network and the internet
                                            •  Agile office

                                            •  Secure access for external organizations
                                            •  At-home customer service

                                            •  Secure access for contractors
 Abandonment rates rose from a target of 2 – 5 percent to
 more than 10 percent in some cases as AQT increased.  •  School-business partnerships

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