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Use Case                                                                                                               Remote Call Center Powered by Citrix

            Call Center Resilience: A Citrix Case Study

            Success story: How Citrix Tech Support Enacted
            Its Business Continuity Strategy

            During the COVID 19 pandemic,   Citrix has a dedicated technical   Citrix Workspace also provides
            Citrix continues to provide     support team in APJ consisting   team members the access                                                                                                                 Internet
            Asia Pacific / Japan (APJ)      of escalation engineers, front   to the lab, which is used to
            tech support operations to its   line engineers, and other     recreate customer scenarios and                           Remote Call
            customers by activating Citrix   essential business resources   reproduce their issues.                                 Center Worker                             Cloud
            BCP with little/no disruption.   who work with customers
            As Citrix Workspace is the      across the region. For the day-  As a result, speedy case
            primary tool used by the        to-day operations, the team    resolution with calls addressed
            team at work, team members      assists customers in opening   versus closed at almost the                                                                                                             Public Cloud
            continue to have seamless       and handling support tickets   same rate and call volume
            access to critical applications   and escalate cases as needed.   remains the same. Employee
            securely as well as soft phones   They work with the product   productivity is maintained at the                          SD-WAN                             Citrix     Citrix
            for call routing, while working   management team to ensure    same level as collaboration on                                110                             SIA      Analytics                         Applications
            from home.                      that customers are kept in the   issues is possible. The NPS score                                                                                                      Data Center
                                            loop and that issues are       stands steady while employee
                                            resolved quickly; and tickets   physical and emotional stress are
                                            are closed after.              minimized.  It’s Business as usual
                                                                           and this has been made possible
                                                                           by Citrix Workspace solutions.

                                                                                                                                •  Internet Traffic inspected via Citrix SIA

                                                                                                                                •  Full visibility to application/network/security performance
          Packages                                                                                                              •  Excellent user experience powered by Citrix HDX

            BASIC                           •  Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktop / Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops Services –        •  Redundant internet connection
                                              Secure delivery of Windows applications to any device

            STANDARD                        •  Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktop / Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops Services –
                                              Secure delivery of Windows applications to any device
                                            •  Secure Internet Access – Cloud based security without backhauling
                                              through the datacentre

            PREMIUM                         •  Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktop / Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops Services -
                                              Secure delivery of Windows applications to any device
                                            •  Secure Internet Access – Cloud based security without backhauling
                                              through the datacentre
                                            •  SD-WAN – Secure redundant links that reduce the number of call or
                                              application dropouts

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