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P. 382


                                              EN33204 Reading and Writing English

               Supplementary Subject                                                       Learning Area of  Foreign Languages
               Secondary 6  Semester 2                                                         Time Allocation 40 hours 1 credit

                      The learning area of this course is aimed at assisting students enhance their writing and reading
               skills. They can absorb and learn more vocabularies and grammar such as subject and object pronouns,
               possessive nouns, possessive pronouns, relationship phrases, using (and) and (but), using capital letters with
               names and family terms, mistakes with male and female pronouns, one-word adverbs of frequency, adverbs
               of  frequency  phrases,  making  nouns  into  adjectives,  using  such  as,  using  underlining  and  italics,  and
               placement of adverbs. Grammar is important when you write. In this course, the students are getting more
               credible in writing because of having wide grammar learnings. Vocabulary is also important in writing.
               Students can widen their vocabulary in this course. Every unit of this course begins with learning a useful
               vocabulary. Students are also having “free writing”, first draft, second draft, and final draft. From “free
               writing” to final draft students are practising making sentences to paragraphs. At the end of every chapter
               students are able to check their progress by sharing their writings to another.

                       This course focuses on the students’ English proficiency with a primary emphasis on the speaking
               and writing skills through lectures by the teacher; collaborative learning groups; student-led facilitation of
               topics; online learning; games; and activities in order to allow students to develop themselves to their
               highest potentiality. Throughout the course, students should be able to use English language skills in seeking
               knowledge and enjoyment, including ability to use technology, thinking and problem solving to become
               well-rounded and fully developed in all respects - physical, intellectual, emotional and social and develop
               thinking skills toward the 21st century.

                       The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including love  of nation,
               religion and king, honesty  and integrity, self -discipline, avidity  for learning, observe  of principles of
               Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication  and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-
               ness, public mindedness and be healthy and well-balanced.

                Learning Outcomes

                   1.  Create a paragraph with widen vocabulary and grammar from sentence to its final construction.
                   2.  Revise writing from free writing to final draft.
                   3.  Answer their own and their peers' questions by connecting ideas, using background knowledge
                      and further research.
                   4.  Actively think about what is happening in a text while reading it, in order to generate questions.
                   5.  Identify the main idea, analyse the essence, interpret and express opinions from listening to and
                      reading texts.
                   6.  Identify the main points of the argument and the supporting details and examples and distinguish
                      fact from opinion.
                   7.  Read with a question in mind, which requires students to skim and scan during reading.

                Total: 7 Learning Outcomes

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