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The Beat

                          Police Federation/ Ministry of National Security

                                        Scholarship Awards Function

            In 2002, the Police Federation instituted a scholar-  missing out on achieving the required Grade Point
            ship as a negotiated item to three categories of chil-  Average.
            dren of police officers. They were those killed in
            the line of duty, injured in the line of duty and serv-  We are pleased to share that since the inception of
            ing members.  We started then with 20 scholarships.  the program in September 2003 to 2019, eight
            In 2007, following our wage negotiation, the        hundred and four children (804) of deceased,
            number and value of the scholarships were           injured or serving police officers were awarded
            increased with all accredited institutions.         scholarships. This is in addition to the 84 that was
                                                                awarded. We now have a whopping total of 888
            For the academic year, 2019/ 2020, a total of 100   scholarships over the period. This is a significant
            new scholarships were on offer with a total of      achievement for the Police Federation. We have
            $200,000 available per year of scholarship for      made an impact…Yes we have.
            tuition at any accredited University in Jamaica with
            the criteria of maintaining a minimum of 2.5 grade
            point average.

            New applicants who were successful for the MNS
            Scholarship for the period 2019/2020 academic
            year totaled 84.  Approved renewals for the
            2019/2020 academic year totaled 62 with 15

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