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The Beat
Maintaining Relevance for 2020 and beyond
Keeping on the pulse with our membership and the faint at heart. We must be able to walk in the
partners, the Federation will continue to increase rain and not get wet, we must be able to say our
communication in several forums. Evident is the truth with respect and without fear of intimidation
production of our second newsletter. We are visible and victimization. We must be able to walk with
at stations, hospitals, in homes and everywhere soft steps but with big shoes. The Central
there is an audience. We have sent out an unprece- Committee must be the voice for the voiceless and
dented number of press releases and voice clips on our birth in October 1944 was no fluke.
all matters affecting our members. We are aware
there is room for improvement, however we are
committed and focused in getting and improving Your Concerns…Our Priority
our communication. It is not lost on the Central Committee the many
challenges our members face. We are mindful of the
We have been fair in our views, we have not hid the poor conditions of the working environment, long
truth in our utterances and continue to be strident hours of work, victimization from officers, transfers
in our advocacy. Being a representative is not for that are used as punishment, inedible food at the
SOE, long wait for seniority payment, inability to
access vacation leave, examination, the promotion
policy and polygraph. This list is not exhaustive and
we are aware that our members sometimes feel
defeated. We are aware of the challenges and pledge
that we will endeavor to pursue all issues of
concerns. We thank you for the trust and confidence
reposed in us as we serve you the protectors.
Until next time, remember God is our keeper.
Walk Good.
Chairman Patrae Rowe on set of CVM at Sunrise with host
Raymond Pryce
Members of the Central Committee