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The Beat

            From the Pen of the Chairman…

                    s Chairman of the Jamaica Police            From all indications, we are enjoying the
                    Federation, I lead the strategic direction of  confidence of our membership though a number of
            Aour great Police Federation. The focus and         issues remain outstanding. Our approach on these
            drive of the team has translated into many          issues must change, we have successfully removed
            successes. We stand resolute in our commitment to   our members from derelict buildings and have
            do more than we have ever done, be better than we   given our attorneys instructions to commence work
            have ever been and climb higher than we                  on significant areas of advocacy and welfare
            have ever climbed.                                        that are important to our membership.

            We approach your welfare with a level of                  The publication of this newsletter is an indi-
            urgency in a public and effective way. The                cation of our commitment to be forward
            purposive interpretation we applied to our                thinking and satisfy your need for informa-
            legislative authority has resulted in                       tion and updates on important issues.
            our advocacy in non-tradi-
            tional areas. Our focus on                                      In the coming weeks we will have so
            Force efficiency demands                                         much more to share with you.
            much from our managers                                            Have a blessed 2020 colleagues.
            and the Government of

            Let me use this opportun-                                            Detective / Sergeant Patrae Rowe
            ity to thank our Executive                                            Chairman
            for the work that we have
            done so far, we recognize
            that there is much more
            work to be done and
            therefore our efforts must

              EDITOR’S NOTE

                    elcome to our second publication of the “The Beat” the Police Federation Quarterly News
              WLetter. We have sought to bring you news, views and pertinent updates in summary form as
              space do not allow for large articles. We wish to thank both our internal and external publics for
              making our second Newsletter in over 40 years a reality. We stand committed to improving our effi-
              ciency and service delivery to our rank and file members. We hope that you enjoy reading and have
              included gifts to be won if you read diligently. The first three persons to find the date the Police
              Federation was born, will win gorgeous gift baskets and a photo opportunity with the Central
                    On finding the dates you are to immediately send by Whatsapp your answer stating where the
              dates were found to include pages and paragraphs, to the Chairman, General Secretary or the Director
              of Communication, Innovation and Gender Affairs.
                    Until next time #Jamaica Police Federation a formidable representational body. One Love.

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