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P. 6

The Beat

              Q:   What’s happening with the Contingent         More updates:
                      Loan?                                     • Public Holiday Compensation
              A: The amount of forty million dollars ($40M) is    $90,000 as one off payment December, 2020.
              to be provided as a one-off grant for the estab-    The amount of  Thirty  Thousand dollars
              lishment of a contingent revolving loan facility    ($30,000) nontaxable, payable in January
              through the Jamaica Police Cooperative Credit       2021.
                                                                • Meal Allowance
              Update: It is almost the completion of 2017-2021    $820 per occasion with effect April 1,2020
              contract period and the outstanding issue of the
              ($40M) forty million which has now been           Q.   What has been happening with the
              increased to ($80M) eighty million based on the          changes to the Pension Act
              contract continues to be outstanding. Whilst we   A. Prior to 2014 under the old Pension  Act,
              were never satisfied at the slow pace in which this  several members applied for early retirement for
              specific item was dealt with, we are near to an   several different reasons.  They were granted
              implementation.                                   permission to proceed on retirement. Shortly
                                                                after, there was a change to the Pensions Act and
              We will soon be announcing the implementation     the previous permission to retire was rescinded.
              date as we conclude the Terms of Reference and    Members who were given the option to retire and
              other modalities with our lawyers and the         had migrated had to return to Jamaica with many
              Ministry of Finance. It has been a long time in   disruptions.This is although, they followed the
              coming.                                           process before there was a change to the Act.
                                                                They were given the option to resign, retire with-
              Q.   Update on the Disability &                   out benefits or return to work. The problem was
                     Dismemberment Benefit?                     further compounded when the affected members
              A. This matter requires actuarial advice which    were hampered by the time frame in which they
              will be sought by the Ministry of Finance and the  could appeal the decision as such an appeal
              Public Service by September 2019 and will be      should be done within three months.
              shared with the Jamaica Police Federation upon           The Federation Executive met and
              receipt.                                          subsequently engaged the services of an attorney
                                                                who made an application to the Supreme Court
              Update: The Police Federation is yet to be given  for the matter to be granted a waiver to be heard.
              an update on this matter. We were last told at a  We are pleased to that we were successful in our
              meeting with the Minister of National Security    application and as such the matter will be heard
              that this matter is being perused and the infor-  in Court on the members’ behalf.
              mation will be shared shortly with us. We have    Unity is strength.
              written to the Ministry with a specific timeline.

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