Page 9 - PF
P. 9
The Beat
Providing a Shoulder…Federation cares
here is an age old adage which says, “No man and colleagues of our dearly departed members
Tis an island and no man stands alone.” which is evident in almost a full committee and staff
This is certainly true during difficult times and turn out at every funeral service and wake. On
especially during periods of bereavement. February 10, 2020, we coordinated support for our
We have lost over 40 members during the colleague, Corporal Fernando Daley, whose mother
Federation year and at the risk of sounding like a was brutally murdered as a revenge to a fatal shoot-
scratched record, we have consistently called on the ing by him.
Government of Jamaica in collaboration with the We were supported by our faithful rank and file
JCF Medical Services Branch to commission a members who turned out in solidarity. The
study to look at the effects of non-communicable Federation is the only avenue of strength and
diseases on our members and the correlation support for our membership. We must therefore
between working conditions and life style illnesses. preserve our welfare institution. Unity is strength.
We have given strong support to the families
Showing support for grieving colleague