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The Beat
Police Federation Sub-Committees
We are very cognizant that with the best of intentions
the eight members of the Central Committee has a
herculean task. We have heeded the advice of our
membership and through the help of Sub-Committees
furthered the Federations mandate.
We are pleased to report that presently we have four
vibrant committees to include the Technology and
Accounts Committee. We cannot rest on our laurels
and will continue to partner with our membership to
achieve our goals.
The Federation has always maintained that a knowl-
edgeable workforce creates productivity and
relevance. Without education and training we will
most certainly become irrelevant and redundant. We
continue to have a robust year of training with semi-
nars and workshops islandwide.
We are endeavouring based on timely research and
needs analysis conducted with our members, to
continue our hosting of training programs and
workshops. We have identified several areas of
concern and have started public education in those
areas. They are Financial Counselling, Healthy
Lifestyle, Planning for the Future, Life Long
Learning, among others. We have partnered with
several stakeholders to include our financial part-
ners, Jamaica National Bank.
Ongoing training with the Firearms Licensing Authority