Page 4 - PF
P. 4
The Beat
Police Federation Building
75 Church Street… Demolished
ollowing the mandate of the Delegates at last
Annual Joint Central Conferences, in respect
Fto our decrepit building at 75 Church Street,
Kingston, on Sunday, January 26th, 2020, the
Federation engaged the Kingston and St. Andrew
Corporation (KSAC), who demolished the structure
that had become a danger to life and property.
Proceeding the demolition, we have been meeting
with several financial institutions with a view of
obtaining a mortgage in the near future to construct
a State of the Art, Police Federation Headquarters.
75 Church Street before demolition exercise
We are aware that these plans which are very gran-
diose, will not be achieved in the short term. As
such, we are embarking on short term plans to use
the now open lots to generate well needed income.
This is with advice from the relevant authority to
erect a parking lot. The startup would be of minimal
cost to the Police Federation.
The objective is to earn while we engage our
various stakeholders.
Demolition in progress
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