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Issue 1 No 2         Quarterly Newsletter of the Jamaica Police Federation         January 2020

                    Our fight to protect our members’ rights…

                    INDECOM vs The Jamaica Police Federation

                n the year 2010, the Independent Commission     Investigators (“INDECOM”) the Commissioner of
                of Investigations Act was implemented, and      INDECOM and /or initiate a prosecution against
            Isince then, the Police Federation has sought to    any person in respect of any offence arising from a
            protect the constitutional rights of all members of  completed or ongoing investigation.
            the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).
                                                                Whether any (and, if so, what) limitations or restric-
            We have made it abundantly clear, that we have no
                                                                tions arise in respect of such a prosecution or its
            issue with an oversight body and their roles and
                                                                initiation. Whether a claim of uncertainty about the
            function if they are clearly defined. We understand
                                                                lawfulness of a request made by an INDECOM
            that in any civilized society, accountability of the
                                                                investigator can amount to a lawful justification for
            state apparatus is critical to law and order and the  failure to comply with that request.
            maintenance of good relations with the public.
            That said, our concerns lie with the deviation from the  Whether a claim by a police officer that he or she is
            Act, by the Terrence Williams led team, who believes  following the instruction of a superior officer can
            that they have the right to act contrary to the Act and  amount to a lawful justification for failure to comply
            to violate the human and constitutional rights of   with a request made by an INDECOM investigator.
            members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.
            On February 3, 2020, our local and UK based         In October 2011, the Police Federation, Merrick
            barristers represented the position of the Police   Watson (Chairman of the Police Officers
            Federation in the case JCPC 2019/0098-              Association), the Special Constabulary Force
            Jurisdiction, Court of Appeal Jamaica.  INDECOM     Association and Delroy Davis (President of the
            sought to have overturned the ruling of the local   United District Constables Association) brought a
            Appellate Court that had ruled in favour of the     claim in the Supreme Court of Jamaica seeking
            Police Federation etal.                             administrative order(s) and/or constitutional redress
                                                                under section 25 of the Constitution of Jamaica on
            This matter concerned whether the Independent       two main grounds.
            Commission of Investigations  Act (Jamaica)         (1)  The first was that the Commissioner had
            (“ICIA”) or any other statute or the common law         purported to exercise powers of arrest and
            empowers the Independent Commission of                  charge for criminal offences pursuant to section

                                                                                              Cont’d on page 3

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