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P. 11

Angie Cook


        Lead Operator
        Rockwood Manufacturing

        Facing Adversity with a Smile

        For Angela “Angie” Cook, Lead Operator         without a hitch in her department. Like any
        at Rockwood Mfg. Co. in Rockwood, PA,          team, Angie and her coworkers have faced
        staying stationary just isn’t an option, both   challenges and delays in their work. But one
        physically and in her career goals.            of the true hallmarks of a difference maker
        As a receiving specialist within the           is how you respond to adversity, and when
        warehouse, Angie is always on the move         it mattered most this year, Angie was there
        making sure incoming orders make it to         to help.
        the right places. With such a constant flow   “The warehouse department had been very
        of orders, and with so much within the         short staffed over the summer months
        company depending on their timely delivery,    with medical problems and vacations. Our
        the pace of the job can be daunting, but       company’s inventory was scheduled for
        it’s a welcome challenge for Angie.            October, and we had so much truck freight
        “My job is very fast paced. While other        and metal inventory out of place that I
        employees stand at a machine and do            was worried we would not be ready for
        mostly the same job all day, I get to move     inventory. I wish I would have taken a before
        around the plant. My job takes me from the     and after picture of the warehouse and all
        back of the plant to the front a few times a   the metal racks. I was so proud of everyone
        day. I have different areas I work in, so I do   that helped out.”
        not see the same things all day long.”         Outside of work, you can find Angie
        Angie’s difference-making, while impressive,   spending time with her daughter, dog,
        isn’t to say that everything always goes       and two cats.

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