Page 14 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital
P. 14

Cristiano Lacerda

                                           MAKES A DIFFERENCE

                                           Corporate Personnel Administration Coordinator
                                           ASSA ABLOY Brazil

        Always Improving and Looking Ahead

        Effective teams are the lifeblood of any       But of course, changing employee needs
        successful venture. If you have like-minded,   means that Cris’ job changes just as fast,
        capable people working on projects who         no two days are the same for him.
        all strive to bring the best out of each other,   “Despite working in a bureaucratic area,
        there are very few limits on what can be       I have no routine, it’s a challenging job
        achieved. To achieve this end, difference      every day. Every month is a new challenge;
        makers in your personnel team are critical.    an opportunity for improvement or
        Cris de Lacerda, Corporate Personnel           developing a new process. Dealing with
        Administration Coordinator, has been           people’s satisfaction motivates me a lot,
        one of those difference makers for             I really like what I do.”
        ASSA ABLOY Brazil.
                                                       Everyone has a different motivation
        In his day-to-day, Cris’ role revolves around   for doing their job well, but for Cris, the
        taking care of his fellow employees at         satisfaction of a job well done is more than
        ASSA ABLOY and managing payroll.               enough to fuel his difference-making.
        “I usually joke that I am the employee with   “The satisfaction that comes at the end of
        the most bosses at the company, because        the month and my job is well done… when
        everyone is my boss, and at the same time      the monthly cycle ends without fail, it makes
        they are my employees.” He jokes. “The         me proud and brings me satisfaction.”
        payroll cannot have errors, so it’s my
        responsibility to carefully maintain what
        has been agreed upon with people and
        meet what they expect.”

   14     pEoplE makINg a difference
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