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P. 17
Dave Carbone
Sales Engineer/Sr . OEM Application Engineer
Electronic Door Security Sales Group
Always Looking Ahead
In an ever-evolving world of technology, anything at any time. There could be a crisis
smart products have become more and where people are not able to get into doors,
more commonplace in the spaces we use sometimes affecting thousands of people.
every day. As smart technology becomes We work through these issues quickly to get
the norm for the future, and staying ahead the systems back up and running.”
of the curve and developing the next line of Dave not only supports customers, but
smart products is essential. Dave Carbone, the sales teams as well. With his extensive
Sales Engineer/Sr. OEM Application Engineer, product knowledge, he plays a key role in
Electronic Door Security Sales Group, is promoting the PERSONA products. “I helped
always looking ahead to what’s next. deploy NFC and mobile in our products at
For Dave, no workday is the same, so he over 20 sites and helped open numerous
relies on his flexibility and ability to be hotels and resorts around the country.”
nimble and adapt to what arises, making But Dave doesn’t do all of his work alone.
him a difference maker. As a support for the His success would not be possible without
sales team and product development, Dave the people he works with. His favorite part
can be assisting customers with product of his job? “My team and our leaders.”
issues, or developing sales strategies. “You
never know what problems or issues will When Dave needs to de-stress and unplug,
arise at any time.” He explains. you can find him teeing off a round of golf
or deep sea fishing in his home of warm,
With PERSONA products being used sunny Florida.
worldwide, Dave’s work isn’t your usual
nine to five. If products have issues, he’s
the one to call. “We have to be ready for
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