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P. 21
Erick Alonso
Hidalgo Arguedas
Never Be Afraid of Mistakes
As important as front-facing roles are in the But in an area like accounting, where staying
impact a company makes, equally important completely error-free is all but expected,
is rock-solid technical work behind the how does someone show they’re willing
scenes. This becomes especially critical to go that extra mile and be a difference
when it comes to numbers. Thankfully maker? Jose Luis Tovar, CFO and Erick’s
for ASSA ABLOY Costa Rica, they have supervisor, offered some insight.
people like Erick Alonso Hidalgo Arguedas, “Erick is a great team worker, he joined the
Controller, keeping everything on track. team recently (1 year) and blended himself
“I am the controller for ASSA ABLOY Costa with his colleagues quite easily,” Tovar said.
Rica and ASSA ABLOY Olimpia Hardware. “He has demonstrated outstanding skills in
I prepare financial information both change management, specifically adopting
companies including cash flow, suppliers’ the ASSA ABLOY reporting requirements,
payments, payroll in Costa Rica, bank which can be overwhelming to acquired
conciliations, fixed assets control, deferred companies. Moreover, Eric has shown he is
payments, and provisions.” a people person because he holds control
Erick’s approach to failure throughout his of policies and procedures while being nice
career has been almost as critical as his and sympathetic.”
approach to success. He carries a simple Erick is a family man, and says he owes a
philosophy to never be afraid of mistakes, lot of his success to them as well. His wife,
as they bring experience and without them, Thaís, is his rock and his biggest supporter,
there would be no growth or maturity, in and together they’ve raised two daughters,
Erick’s own words. Fernanda and Ariadna. While Erick has been
excelling in his role at work, he never loses
sight of what truly matters.
“My family is my world.”
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