Page 25 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital
P. 25

Jennifer Cameron


        Manufacturing Support Specialist

        Supporting One Another and Spreading Positivity

        A company is only as good as the way           Jeni doesn’t just absorb energy, either –
        they treat their customers, making an          according to those around her, she brings a
        elite customer support team essential.         healthy dose of positive energy and a can-do
        For Medeco in Salem, VA, Jennifer “Jeni”       spirit to everything she does. In particular,
        Cameron is one of the difference makers        this consistently resonates with Paul Taylor,
        that helps create that fully supportive       Senior Operations Manager at Medeco.
        environment.                                  “Jeni is always available to answer questions
        Jeni’s day to day duties revolve around        from anyone in production, customer
        being a liaison between customer service       service, shipping, or quality. She’s a great
        and the factory, helping resolve issues as     communicator and documents questions
        they occur to keep production fully in sync.   and issues that need to be resolved between
        Having a foot in two worlds gives Jeni the     different teams. She follows up on the issues
        opportunity to work with many different        until there’s resolution or a plan to resolve.
        types of professionals, one of Jeni’s favorite   She does all this and has the most positive
        aspects of the job.                            attitude about doing it. She always has time

        Another one of Jeni’s favorite parts of her    to listen to anyone who needs her help.”
        job is the energy that comes with a multi-     When she’s not at work, you can find Jeni at
        faceted, customer-focused position.            her local yard sale, flea market, or Goodwill,

        “I love the ‘pulse’ of the factory floor. I find   flexing her talents for finding diamonds in
        the energy contagious. Without question,       the rough she learned from her mother and
        the folks I work with make all the difference   grandmother at a young age. “It’s very much
        to me.”                                        a family tradition of sorts.”

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