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P. 27

Joshua Marcy


        Sustaining Operational Program Manager
        August Home, Inc .

        Showing Perseverance Every Day

        It takes a special creative mind to conceive   prevents me from traveling to be on-site
        a new idea for a product and bring it to life.   for a product launch, and now a shortage of
        It takes an equally special technical mind     computer chips that go into our products.”
        to produce that product and get it into as     What does Josh attribute to his ability to
        many hands as possible. August Home, Inc.      rise to those occasions and be a difference-
        in San Francisco, CA relies on Josh Marcy,     maker? He says a lot of it has to do with his
        Sustaining Operational Program Manager,        commitments to service, innovation, and
        to be that technical specialist.               problem solving.
        Josh leads cross-functional teams at the      “I’m an inbox zero person – I strive to answer
        company to bring new products to mass          every question or direct the requester to
        production at their factories. On the          the right person. Also, I’m always looking to
        back end, he then relays August Home’s         automate myself out of a job. This was a core
        production priorities and troubleshoots        value that I learned while working at Tesla.
        production issues. But with the pandemic       Don’t just find the solution, but solve the
        interrupting production processes among        problem in a manner that allows it to not
        other issues, it hasn’t always been so         happen again.”
                                                       When he’s outside of work, you can find Josh
        “My job is interesting because operations is a   outside, hiking, biking, or running.
        very dynamic environment. Our supply base
        is in Asia, and we are constantly faced with   “Operations roles are very chaotic, and
        new challenges. Two years ago, that was        physical exercise and fresh air are vital to
        new tariffs on our products, this year it is   clearing your head and body of stress.”
        power outages at our factories, a virus that

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