Page 31 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital
P. 31
Leydi Laura
Zapata Coloma
Sales Promoter
Yale Imports
Taking the Lead
The performance of a company’s sales She doesn’t wait for others to tell her what
team can truly be make or break for their to do, she is dynamic person who is able
bottom line. While challenging, this also to make decisions. She never comes to me
creates a uniquely impactful opportunity with problems, but when she does, she also
for true difference makers. Leydi Laura comes with a solution which is great. She
Zapata Coloma, Sales Promoter for Yale is a team player, and she is always ready
Import Markets in Perú, has run with this to coordinate things and to see what is
opportunity. missing,” Juan Zegarra, Leydi’s Sales Manager
On a day to day basis, Leydi is putting her had to say. “All these aspects make her a
nose to the grindstone generating sales person who makes a difference, and we are
and managing credit for her company and proud of her nomination and all that she’s
clients. While the world of sales largely has accomplished all these years.”
to do with hard numbers and sales figures, On top of her talents at work, Leydi is an
Leydi also has incredibly sharp people skills, experienced cook and baker, and you can
often going out to visit clients, address often find her spoiling her family with her
their thoughts and concerns, and back her culinary creations. In all of her ventures,
company’s products. This unique blend Leydi carries a simple set of values that
of quantitative and qualitative talents has propels her to greatness.
made her a star at her company. “It’s the desire and the drive to do things
“Leydi is a person that has a lot of drive, she right every day, and accomplish my goals.”
is proactive with her work and delivers.
She always comes up with great results.
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