Page 29 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital
P. 29

Kaio Lira


        Occupational Safety Technician

        Setting the Safety Standard

        At the end of the day, the highest priority for   every day. They end up leaving the work
        any great business is the health, safety, and   always dynamic and encouraging us to
        wellbeing of their employees. That’s why       always improve.”
        hiring difference makers to manage safety      Kaio also prides himself on bringing a
        efforts in the workplace is all too important,   positive attitude to work every day and
        and the benefits of doing so are almost        facing new challenges with optimism and
        immeasurable. Silvana has experienced          faith in both himself and his team. This
        these benefits first hand, through             optimism, can-do attitude, and adaptivity
        Occupational Safety Technician Kaio Esdras.    have made him a star in the eyes of his

        “I take care of the health and safety of       colleagues, including Amanda Vieira, one of
        employees in their work environment,           Kaio’s coworkers.
        so that they can perform their activities     “Kaio is a determined person; when receives
        safely – valuing their health, their colleagues,   tasks he performs effectively and efficiently,
        and their family members.” He tells us.        delivering many times more than was
        Health and safety can be one of the most       requested.” Amanda proudly tells us. “He is
        unpredictable departments at any company,      very funny, bringing joy to everyone around
        with needs changing all the time and the       him, leaving the work environment much
        ever-present threat of the next safety crisis.   lighter and often taking the pressure off the
        Luckily, Kaio’s skill set is ready to embrace   day-to-day.”
        the future, and the nature of his role keeps   When he’s not making a difference at work,
        him sharp in changing environments.            you can usually find Kaio playing sports or

        “I think what makes my job interesting is all   exercising – his favorites being swimming
        the new challenges and demands that arise      and practicing airsoft.

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