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P. 33
Maria Fernanda Mendoza
Customer Service Supervisor
Yale Connect
Learning from Success and Failure
Effective customer interaction has many “I personally believe it’s not a matter of
aspects, all critical to delivering satisfaction. what we do different, but transforming and
Your product or service must be top-notch, adapting our personal values, attitudes,
of course, but the difference between a experiences, failures and achievements
good and great interaction is elite customer within different circumstances into a more
service. HID South America trusts Customer relevant life scenario. I try to ensure that my
Service Supervisor Maria Fernanda Mendoza everyday responsibilities are coherent with
to give them that elite edge. what is good in general for my customers
Most of Maria Fernanda’s day revolves and coworkers. Listening patiently to all
around working directly with customers perspectives makes me think beyond
to ensure they are getting the most out of the problem.”
their purchases. While the changing environments of her
“I receive queries, complaints, feedback, and job help her keep different parts of her skill
urgent situations which must be solved in a set sharp, Maria Fernanda also credits her
maximum of 24 hrs, depending on the case.” hobbies in giving her the mindset she needs
She explains. “I’m responsible for following to be successful.
up all open cases, supervising other agents’ “I love swimming, it gives me a sense of
cases, listening to the clients’ needs in order freedom. I try to exercise weekly to maintain
to scale them to the development team, and my body in movement. I’m constantly in
improving all service quality protocols.” touch with my family and friends, and I
As customer needs change, Maria Fernanda try to share with them as much as I can.
and her team’s priorities do as well. So while I love dancing, learning new languages and
she does use her full skill set in different experiencing new cultures.”
aspects of her job, Maria Fernanda cites
adaptability as one of her handiest tools.
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