Page 28 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital
P. 28
Julia Barrientos Mendoza
Human Resources Manager
Maltex S .A . de C .V
Putting Others First
When putting together a successful team and safeguard the Digital Tax Receipts
or company, finding the right people is online that are issued as evidence of payroll
only half the battle – it also takes difference between the company and our employees.”
makers to make sure those people’s needs How does Julia maintain this level of
are met both before and after their start excellence, both on and off the front lines?
date. For Maltex S.A. de C.V. in Mexico, She credits her core values of goal-setting
Human Resources Manager Julia Mendoza and collaboration.
Barrientos is one of those difference makers.
“I like to take initiative and work in a team,
Julia is undoubtedly a people person, as as well as make myself available to work
most of her days revolve around responding extended hours as necessary to achieve
to the needs and concerns of employees my goals in a timely manner. I start the day
and sustaining good employee relations. with a positive attitude, keep myself in a
However, in this role, she’s also become a good mood, build trust among workers,
master of new technologies, all in the name communicate effectively with colleagues
of efficiency and making sure everyone is and bosses, and recognize the achievements
taken care of in a timely manner. of the employees.”
“We just finished a new project - a new When she’s not making a difference at
platform for the administration of human Maltex S.A. de C.V., you can find Julia making
resources, payroll and control of attendance a difference in her community as well –
in our system.” She explains. “Through she is a teacher at her local church, and
this platform, the employee with their enjoys devoting her leisure time to working
electronic account can manage, organize with children.
28 pEoplE makINg a difference