Page 24 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital
P. 24
Jasiel Torres
Machine Operator
Papaiz / La Fonte
Being a Team Player Every Day
Being a team player is critical in most jobs, This passion is felt by Jasiel’s colleagues
but for a select few, it’s a truly essential part daily. Matheus Brito, Production Leader
of every minute of the workday. For Jasiel at ASSA ABLOY – Papaiz, was quick to
Torres, Machine Operator at ASSA ABLOY – recognize Jasiel’s performance and passion,
Papaiz, teamwork is woven into everything even putting him in a position to share this
he does and the way he approaches infectious approach with others.
every task. “Jasiel was a machine operator working on
“The feeling of always wanting to aggregate the CR25 padlock robot, and was always
makes a difference in everything we very committed to results and a great sense
propose to make. Team engagement is a of quality. With that, he faced the challenge
clear differentiator for us.” of becoming a supplier in my place when
In his day to day, Jasiel supplies and we started to increase production to two
organizes components for the production full shifts. Initially he was part of shift A, and
lines in padlocks assembly, making sure the when a shift B was properly established,
assembly line team has the tools to be as I invited him to be part of the group not only
productive and efficient as possible. But he with the mission of being a supplier, but
also realizes that teamwork goes beyond also to be part of the management together
work tasks – as a volunteer member of the with me, leading the people beside me, and
Emergency Brigade team, Jasiel brings his always seeking the best for the company.”
focus and passion for teamwork to even So, what does being recognized as a
more important frontiers, working to difference-maker mean to Jasiel?
create and maintain safe environments for “Being recognized makes me very proud.
everyone around him. Knowing that I was nominated by my
co-workers, it is very rewarding.”
24 pEoplE makINg a difference