Page 36 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital
P. 36
Osvaldo Martinez
Product Development Manager
Bruken Internacional S .A de C .V
Finding New Ways to Improve
At work, some people look at existing problem. We made some new designs, we
systems and try to function within tested them and we solved it. Also during
them, while others try to improve the this time, we designed a new bathroom
systems themselves. Osvaldo Martinez, door system that was recently launched and
Product Development Manager at Bruken good sales are expected.”
Internacional S.A de C.V, considers himself Through outstanding performances like
part of the latter. this, Osvaldo has established himself as a
As an engineer specializing in new difference maker. His superiors have taken
product development, Osvaldo’s primary notice, including his manager, Edguardo
responsibilities center on developing new Diaz, Technical Manager for Bruken
projects for his company, spearheading Internacional S.A de C.V.
new product designs, and improving the “He always exceeds his tasks and goes above
engineering process for himself and his and beyond to attack any technical problem
fellow engineers. with customers. He always looks at ways
This culture of improvement has led to to solve them, keeping in mind service
significant problem-solving power from and satisfaction.” Edguardo explains, “He
Osvaldo and his department, and it’s shown exhibits teamwork and knows how to
in his recent work. involve and motivate different people to
“We had a problem in our sliding shower participate and give results as a team. He
system, it was not working properly,” he leads by example as an active, responsible,
explains. “The problem was that the way to always on time, autonomous employee.
hold the glass was with pressure between And lastly, he embraces change and seeks
two plates, and many times the glass sheet continuous improvement. Overall, Osvaldo
would fall and break. For some time, we is always respectful, looking for new ways to
were thinking about how to improve this work, and implementing new methods.”
36 pEoplE makINg a difference