Page 16 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital
P. 16
Danilo Favero Gomes
Engineer Tech
Pemko Manufacturing, Memphis
Having a Positive Attitude Towards Adversity
Creating an elite product requires the eyes Working with a nice team makes the job
of artists and the hands of craftsmen. So, more interesting, by being able to share
when you can find someone who happens different experiences and opinions. It is
to have both, you have a great opportunity really interesting to have the opportunity to
to take your process to the next level. make an idea into a prototype, working on
Pemko Manufacturing in Memphis, TN improvements, and having some results in
trusts Engineer Tech Danilo Favero Gomes a short period of time.”
to do just that, an opportunity he’s made Danilo also attributes his design successes
the most of. to his attitude and approach to both taking
“I’m in charge of new product design, design on and completing daily tasks.
validation, preparing custom drawings, “I believe that being positive helps in all the
providing quality support, and design areas of our lives. Some activities may be
improvement of current products.” boring, but if you start them complaining,
In such a creatively and technically they can only get worse. Having a
demanding role, it can be easy to experience positive attitude helps me to improve my
creative block and lose focus. So, what relationship with others, and by the end
keeps Danilo content and focused enough of the day even that small piece of paper
to do his best work? that somebody dumped on the floor, and
“In my job, I have the opportunity to work you picked up to put in the trash, helps
on ideas to try the make people’s lives to move everybody towards that ‘mission
better, whether by developing a product accomplished’ feeling.”
with better performance/quality, or by In his spare time, Danilo enjoys riding
creating an easier manufacturing solution. bicycles and listening to music.
16 pEoplE makINg a difference