Page 28 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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brain development. Participants will also The Connected Action Roadmap:
have the opportunity for an open discussion
with leading national experts and a leading A Systemic Process for School
researcher from Canada. Participants will be Improvement (PSEL Standards 4, 7,
provided with key guidelines for developing and 10)
best practice policies and procedures, and
alternatives to traditional disciplinary responses May 6, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
for substance abuse infractions. Presenters: Donna McInerney, CEO, FEA;
Vicki Duff, Coordinator of Professional
Learning, FEA; Emil Carafa, Coordinator of
Emerging Legal Issues and Professional Learning, FEA
Requirements for SACs Fee: $149
Sponsored by LEGAL ONE & ASAP NJ Improving student learning and strengthening
May 1, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA teacher practice require a systemic and
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE sustainable process, driven by the collaborative
work of PLCs and shared leadership. The
Director; Lori Todd, ASAP-NJ President Connected Action Roadmap (CAR) provides a
Fee: $150 coherent approach to curriculum, instruction,
This workshop will review legal requirements assessment and school climate that builds a
related to the role of the student assistance common language and understanding and
counselor, including the components of a shifts the focus of educators from compliance
comprehensive drug and alcohol counseling and programs to process and effective practices.
program, requirements for reporting students Endorsed by the NJ Department of Education
suspected of being under the influence, the and the leading educational organizations across
parameters of student confidentiality and the state, the CAR framework is currently being
student records in the age of technology and used by teams of educators from across the state
social media, and the intersection between drug to develop curriculum and instructional tools in
and alcohol abuse and mental health issues. ELA and Math, that will be shared by the NJDOE
for use in the 2019-20 school year. Come to this
Section 504 Explained session to learn how these tools can strengthen
teaching and learning across your school/district.
May 3, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Presenter: John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL An Introduction to the National
ONE Consultant
Fee: $150 Arts Standards and the Vision for the
This session will provide a detailed explanation New NJ Student Learning Standards
of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of (PSEL Standards 3, 4 and 5)
1973 as it relates to school districts. Topics will Co-sponsored by FEA and Arts Ed NJ
include district responsibilities, due process May 6, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
requirements and procedural safeguards,
preventing and preparing for litigation, Presenter: Dr. Dale Schmid, Visual &
parent/student rights, as well as exploring Performing Arts Coordinator, New Jersey
the differences between 504 eligibility and Department of Education
classification and eligibility and classification Fee: $149
under the IDEA. This session will explore ways in which the new
National Arts Standards informed the vision
Attendance, Residency, and and future for arts education in New Jersey.
Similarities and dissimilarities between the
Homelessness Issues National Core Arts Standards (NCAS) and the
May 3, 2019; 10 am - 1 pm most recent iteration of New Jersey Student
at Cherry Hill Public Library Learning Standards will be closely examined.
Participants will also have the opportunity to
Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL engage in facilitated discussions exploring
ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and practical implications of the new standards with
Content Development; Diahann DeRuggiero, members of the arts standards writing teams for
MSW, M.Ed., NJDOE McKinney-Vento dance, music, theatre, visual art, and media arts.
Program Coordinator - Northern Region
Fee: $75
This workshop will provide information about WEBINAR
the legal requirements pertaining to student Student Searches: Evolving Legal
attendance, residency and homelessness issues Standards
— including what constitutes excused absences,
legally required steps for developing attendance May 7, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
improvement plans and when to involve the Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
court system. Participants will also gain an Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director
understanding of how to properly determine of Personnel and Administrative Services,
residency, including forms of documentation to Lawrence Township
be considered, the rights of students not residing Fee: $40
with their parents or legal guardians, and the Understanding when it is permissible to
due process involved when there is a dispute conduct student searches, and how to perform
over student residency. Legal issues including such a search, is critical for every school
eligibility, resources and services available to administrator. In this session, participants will
homeless students will also be addressed. learn the difference between the probable cause
standard employed by law enforcement and
the reasonable suspicion standard for schools.
Participants will also learn how to conduct
searches involving a student’s person, book
bags, purses and other belongings, lockers, cars