Page 29 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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and electronic devices. Finally, participants will School Law for
understand how their role shifts once they have
contacted law enforcement. Administrative Assistants
May 8, 2019; 9 am - 1 pm
at Forsgate Country Club
Paraprofessionals Working With Presenters: David Nash,Esq., LEGAL ONE
Students With Disabilities: A Session Director; Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., Supervisor
for Paraprofessionals to Explore of Legal Research and Content Development,
Their Critical Role in the Education Fee $100 (includes lunch)
of Students With Disabilities (PSEL What better way to show how much you value
Standards 6 and 9) your administrative assistant than to support
his/her professional growth? This workshop will
May 7, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm address key legal issues that all administrative
at Brick Township PD Center assistants need to know, including student
Presenter: Barbara Gantwerk, NJPSA/FEA residency, use of email and social media, and
Coordinator of Special Projects the essentials of HIB and discrimination law.
Fee: $149
As districts engage more paraprofessionals Healthy Workplace Environment
to support students with disabilities, it is
important to provide meaningful professional - Legal Do's and Don'ts
learning opportunities for these individuals May 9, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
who are often serving our students with the Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
most significant needs. This is a program Director; George Scott, Ed.S, LMFT, LEGAL
designed specifically for paraprofessionals ONE Consultant
working with students with disabilities in all Fee: $150
educational settings. The session will address
critical issues in the provision of services by Do you have staff members who need to develop
paraprofessionals including: the role and their interpersonal relationship skills at work?
function of the paraprofessional, ethical Are there staff in your District who would benefit
responsibilities, communication issues and from an overview of the laws associated with
educational practices. We will specifically the common interpersonal skill problems that
address communication between the can cause difficult issues among personnel? This
paraprofessionals and the adults in the child’s seminar will address the psychological and legal
life. Specific attention is paid to the need for the aspects of dealing with staff personality prob-
development of independent behavior and the lems. Topics to be covered include: techniques
exercise of choice for students with disabilities for interacting with people; decelerating anger
and how paraprofessional can plan educational and stress issues when dealing with colleagues,
activities to foster this behavior. There are hands students, or parents; and resources for dealing
on activities to engage the learners and follow with situations involving stress management, an-
up activities to apply the skills address. Come ger management, alcoholism and drug addiction.
and meet with paraprofessionals from districts Participants will also receive a legal overview of
across the state to address the changing and topics including: HIB; Discrimination; Social Me-
important role of the paraprofessional in dia Do's and Don'ts; the School District's ability
supporting students with disabilities. to control or moderate a staff member's behav-
ior; and the ability to discipline a staff member
for a breach of the School District's policies.
Don’t Tell Your Kids They Are
Smart (PSEL Standards 3 and 5) Utilizing a Multi-Tiered System of
May 8, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA Support in Elementary Language Arts
Presenter: Susana Matos-Kruck, President, (PSEL Standard 4)
Up the Bar Consulting, LLC Day 1: May 9, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
Fee: $149
You read that correctly. Don’t tell your kids they Day 2: Jun. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
are smart. And stop with the stickers, trophies, Presenters: Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant,
and extrinsic motivators that have contributed Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant, Deitra
to a generation of entitled and disillusioned Spence, FEA Consultant
young people who lack mastery, purpose, and Fee: $149 each day
passion. Let’s focus together on what really Thinking about implementing an Early Literacy
matters: learning! Let’s create a culture and Multi-tiered System of Supports in your school
climate in our schools wherein students will or district? Need some help in identifying how
think strategically and thoughtfully as they take to best move forward to improve what you have
risks in their learning and embrace challenges in and identify what is needed to meet your needs
order to realize their full potential. Participants and achieve your goals? This two day Professional
will learn how to promote a growth mindset Learning opportunity with FEA consultants will
and a strong sense of efficacy. Participants will address these issues and more. We will facilitate
be inspired to cultivate an authentic learning an assessment of your current practices and
culture wherein faculty and students will help clarify the next steps to move forward. This
become intrinsically motivated to learn through workshop will provide assistance at various levels
mastery, purpose, and passion. from schools beginning to implement a tiered
system of supports to those who have a system
in place and want to focus on a particular area.
Technical assistance will be provided in areas
such as developing a school wide assessment
system, choosing appropriate screening tools,
and implementing a successful, ongoing process.
We will provide a framework for schools to review
current MTSS practices, assess the strength of