Page 32 - PDCalWinter2019-web
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Culture of Collaboration and Trust; health and well-being, causing teacher burnout,
• Tips for Addressing the Politics of Working lack of engagement, job dissatisfaction, poor
with Collective Bargaining Units for performance, and some of the highest turnover
teachers and others; rates ever. A recent Gallup Poll finds 46% of
• The Relationship between Board Members, teachers report high daily stress during the
the Superintendent, and the Principal; school year.1 That’s tied with nurses for the
highest rate among all occupational groups.
• Why Personal and Professional Ethics Matter; Mindfulness/stress management programs can
• Understanding the Role and Function of help teachers develop coping and awareness
the School Ethics Commission; skills to reduce anxiety, depression, and
• Understanding the Doctrine of Necessity improved health. Professional development is
and Dealing with Conflict of Interest Issues; always about what educators can do to improve
• What Do You Do When Someone is a their instructional practices. Recent research
Teacher in one School District and a Board strongly suggests that prioritizing an educator’s
Member in a Different School District; social-emotional learning helps him or her to be
• Understanding the Constraints and there to participate in school wide SEL practices.
Requirements of the Law; and If you find yourself thinking it is counterintuitive
to ask a professional to give so much and then
• The Effects of Social Media Activities to provide only professional development and
and Ethics Restrictions. Participants are not personal development (through the lens of
encouraged to review and bring their SEL) you’re with us! In this session, participants
own School District’s Ethics Policy to this will learn:
seminar for discussion and analysis. • mindfulness/stress reduction practices to
promote self-regulation of attention
WEBINAR • non-judgmental awareness
What’s New in Student Safety • how to develop a personal mindfulness
and Student Rights? practice (which is necessary to be a mindful
teacher, which is necessary to teach
May 21, 2019; noon - 1:10 pm mindfulness!)
Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL ONE • how to maximize the space between
Coordinator for Online Course Development; stimulus and response
Rebecca Gold, Former Director of Personnel
and Administrative Services, Lawrence
Fee: $40 June
This webinar will address the latest case law
and legislative developments in student rights
areas such as student first amendment rights HIB Law: Year in Review
including use of social media, student search Jun. 3, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
and seizure, HIB update, and student discipline. Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Preparing for Special Education Fee: $150
Mediation and Due Process Hearings Participants will learn about major changes in
state and federal statutes, regulations, guid-
May 22, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA ance and case law that have a major impact on
Presenter: John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL implementing New Jersey's Anti-Bullying Bill of
ONE Consultant Rights. This will include a review of new case law
Fee: $150 expanding parental rights to access HIB investiga-
This session will provide a detailed explanation of tion reports, investigation documents and video.
the particular procedures which must be followed Participants will also learn about new case law
when preparing for a Special Education/Due regarding the intersection of bullying and special
Process Hearing. Topics to be discussed include: education, and new statutory requirements related
Differences between filing for Mediation and Due to physical restraint of students. Participants will
Process; Stay-put issues; What is required during also consider how to respond to growing trends
the 30 day resolution period; New Procedures regarding anti-Semitism, sexual harassment
with respect to initial hearing date/settlement and other forms of discrimination. Participants
conferences; Pre-trial orders; Expert witnesses/ will review lessons learned from the first year of
Expert Reports; Discovery and preparing for Due implementation of sweeping changes in state
Process; Preparing to Testify; Post-trial briefs; regulations related to HIB. Finally, participants will
Appeals; and prevailing Party and attorneys’ gain an understanding of the ever evolving use of
fees. Target Audience - Directors/Supervisors of social media to engage in cyberbullying, and the
Special Education, school law attorneys need for students AND staff members to under-
stand social media boundaries.
Mindful Practices for Those WEBINAR
Who Give the Most: Educators! The Evolution of Collective
(PSEL Standard 6) Bargaining: Understanding Key
May 23, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
at Brick Township PD Center Developments in State and Federal Law
Presenter: Sharon McCarthy, ENVISION: Jun. 4, 2019; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Breakthroughs in Learning Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Fee: $149 Director; Rebecca Gold, Former Director
Public Educators may be the most sacrificial of Personnel and Administrative Services,
professionals. Educators give until they have Lawrence Township
zero left to give - and then they give some Fee: $40
more. High levels of stress are affecting teacher The rules on collective bargaining are rapidly