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evolving for schools, in light of the landmark   Inefficiency Charges: An in-depth analysis of the
     U.S. Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME,   applicable legal standards for evaluating both
     and the passage of the Workplace Democracy   Administrators and Staff under the Tenure Law.
     Enhancement Act by the State of New Jersey, as
     well as the implementation of Chapter 78 and the
     impact on negotiating health benefits. Important    Hot Issues in School Law
     legal issues have also arisen regarding the proper   Jun. 7, 2019; 10 am - 1 pm
     role of the local union representative versus the   at Cherry Hill Public Library
     role of legal counsel. As a result of this session,   Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
     participants will understand the impact of these   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and
     major developments on the future of collective   Content Development
     bargaining.                             Fee: $75
                                             This workshop will address current
       Utilizing a Multi-Tiered System of    developments in a variety of legal issues,
     Support in Elementary Language Arts     including HIB case law and legislative issues,
                                             TEACHNJ regulations and Arbitration Decisions,
     (PSEL Standard 4)                       student safety, workplace harassment, recent
     Day 2: Jun. 4, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA  legislative enactments, student health issues,
     Presenters: Bobbie Felip, FEA Consultant,   social media, First Amendment rights and
     Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant, Deitra   responsibilities, and other current and ongoing
     Spence, FEA Consultant                  school law topics.
     Fee: $149
     Thinking about implementing an Early Literacy    Hot Issues in Special
     Multi-tiered System of Supports in your school   Education Law
     or district? Need some help in identifying how
     to best move forward to improve what you have   Jun. 11, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     and identify what is needed to meet your needs   Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     and achieve your goals? This two day Professional   Director; Barbara Gantwerk, FEA Coordinator
     Learning opportunity with FEA consultants will   of Special Projects
     address these issues and more. We will facilitate   Fee: $150
     an assessment of your current practices and   State and federal law is rapidly evolving for
     help clarify the next steps to move forward. This   students with disabilities. In this workshop,
     workshop will provide assistance at various levels   participants will also learn about: the latest case
     from schools beginning to implement a tiered   law, statutory/regulatory changes, and federal/
     system of supports to those who have a system   state guidance regarding:
     in place and want to focus on a particular area.
     Technical assistance will be provided in areas   •  The use of physical restraint and seclusion
     such as developing a school wide assessment   for students with disabilities,
     system, choosing appropriate screening tools,   •  The overlapping rights of students under
     and implementing a successful, ongoing process.   IDEA, Section 504, New Jersey's Law
     We will provide a framework for schools to review   Against Discrimination and the Anti-
     current MTSS practices, assess the strength of   Bullying Bill of Rights.
     their core (tier 1) instructional program as well as   •  Major changes related to the use of
     student/school data use to identify which students   technology to deliver services for students
     are struggling and need supplemental/more   with disabilities,
     intensive support.                        •  New procedures for addressing legal
                                                 disputes and due process,
            Tenure Review: Inefficiency and    •  Major case law decided in the aftermath
     Conduct Unbecoming                          of the Supreme Court decisions in Endrew
                                                 and Fry
     Jun. 6, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm at FEA
     Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL
     ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and      Developing Socially and
     Content Development                     Emotionally Healthy Students
     Fee: $150                               (PSEL Standards 3 and 5)
     Whether you are preparing to file tenure charges   Jun. 17, 2019; 9 am - 3 pm
     against a staff member, or need to defend against   at Brick Township PD Center
     tenure charges brought against you, this course
     will provide valuable insight into the arbitration   Presenter: Bob Price, FEA Consultant
     process and applicable legal standards involving   Fee: $149
     TEACHNJ. Participants will learn about the types of   Schools, along with families and the community,
     tenure charges that have reached the arbitration   are key to children successfully navigating healthy
     level and receive a thorough review of Arbitration   relationships in an ever-changing society. Social
     Decisions since the implementation of TEACHNJ   and Emotional Learning must be at the heart
     in 2012. Conduct Unbecoming, Incapacity and   of ensuring that each student feels safe in their
     “Other Just Cause” Charges: A discussion of the   environment and has the interpersonal skills to
     legal standards Arbitrators have applied to cases   collaborate with peers and adults. In this session,
     involving:                              participants will: (1) define the purpose of Social
      •  Excessive Absenteeism               and Emotional Learning (SEL) and its connection
      •  Harassment                          to school climate, student growth, and the success
                                             of all learners; (2) understand the research and
      •  Inappropriate Interactions with Students   competencies that are the foundation for imple-
      •  Improper Staff Conduct Outside of School   menting effective SEL programs and practices;
      •  Insubordination                     (3) identify strengths and weaknesses of current
      •  Progressive Discipline Issues       practices and programs to create next steps for
                                             strengthening SEL integration; (4) consider strat-
      •  Social Media Policy Violations

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